Continence surgery at the time of POP repair TOG 2018 Flashcards
What proportion of women are effected by prolapse?
1 in 9
What proportion of women are effected by urinary incontinence?
1 in 3
Prevalence of UI in women >40yrs?
25-45%, stress most common
How common prolapse stage 2 or greater 12 years after 1st delivery
> 1/2
How common SUI in POP
How likely PFMT to improve prolapse stage
Rates of SUI following abdominal sacrocolpopexy with or without Burch Colposuspension?
With Colposuspension: 6%
Without 25%
What proportion of women who have vaginal prolapse repair will have stress urnairy incontinence after the procedure (Occult SUI)
1 in 4
What procedure can be offered to prevent SUI following vaginal prolapse repair?
Synthetic midurethral sling
Number needed treat with Synthetic midurethral sling to prevent 1 case of post-op SIO at 1 year
% of bladder injury with Synthetic midurethral sling at time of vaginal surgery
7%, all managed intra-operatively
Need for repeat surgery vaginal wall surgery for prolapse alone Vs with SMUS
Alone 5%
+SMUS 2.5%
What is occult stress urniary incontience
SUI following reduction of POP in women who are aymptomaitc, prolapse can lead to urethral kinking and preservation unmasks UI
Can you diagnose occult SI
Rate symptomatic post-op SIO in combination surgery
?Better to do interval surgery, POP alone and dealing SUI if/when required
Does SMUS at time of vaignal prolapse repair for women with prolapse + SUI reduce rate of SUI post op?
Yes persistent SUI at 3 months 5% vs 23%
In prolapse surgery alone, 27% cured SIO, 57% persistent SUI interval SMUS, 16% persistant SUI, no further surgery
For women with prolapse + SUI undergoing abdominal sacrocolpopexy does concomitant Colposuspension reduce rates of post op SUI
No, higher rate persitant SUI in Burch Colp group
For women with prolapse + SUI undergoing abdominal sacrocolpopexy does concomitant SMUS procedures reduce rates of post op SUI
Yes higher rate SUI cure 98% vs 70%
NNT for vaginal POP surgery + SMUS to prevent one subsequent SMUS
Near 1/3 experience cure of SUI symptoms
Any evidence to treat asymptomatic prolapse at time of stress UI surgery
No benefit