Contexts - Technology Flashcards
In what ways are new media more democratic than conventional media?
New media allows consumers to equally participate and contribute their ideas, whereas conventional media only projects the views of the writers/owners of News corporations, etc.
Who, if anyone, might benefit from, and who might be responsible for, the digital divide?
People with access to new technology benefit from the digital divide as they are able to progress/develop in the technological world.
What are some examples of the impact of digitisation on media production, consumption, and distribution?
Television is being transformed. TV shows are now able to be accessed virtually anywhere online. Users are able to skip adverts and watch what they want when they want.
Five important characteristics of new media.
1. What is interactivity?
Interactivity offers differing degrees of participation for users of digital media, such as blogs or video games.
What is the relationship between social change and democratisation in relation to new communication technologies?
New media technologies allow free speech and two-way political communication.
How does the digital divide impact on your community and the communities of others?
As new media becomes increasingly available to all members of society, we are given the potential for increasing global equality.
What is the digital divide?
Firstly there is an economic divide of people who can afford new media and those who cannot. Secondly, is a skill division of people who are comfortable using new media and those who are not.
What are the implications of technological development and its relationship to social change?
“The digital divide, democratisation, issues to do with media piracy, copyright law, and corporate monopolies, and changes in social behaviour related to new ways in which the media are involved in everyday life”
What is technological determinism?
“The view that technological innovation reshapes social life and drives social change”
What are some positive aspects of technological change?
“Newer media forms offer increasing interactivity, autonomy, and choice on the part of the user, as well as unprecedented personal control over the production, manipulation, and distribution of content”
What are some negative aspects of technological change?
“It can distract us from real life concerns and determines, to a certain extent, what we think about”
What is new media?
New media tends to refer to digital media, such as, the internet, video games, and more. It is media contains information that can be reproduced, converted, transmitted and shared.
What is multiplatforming?
The distribution of branded content across multiple outlets.
What is vertical integration?
When a media company owns various pats of a production, distribution and exhibition chain, e.g. News Corp.
What is horizontal integration?
Where a corporation owns multiple companies involved in the same aspect of media production, e.g. Disney and Miramax.
Five important characteristics of new media.
2. What is immateriality/virtual reality?
Immateriality and Virtual reality represent the dematerialising of digital media texts, resulting in a virtual world.
Five important characteristics of new media.
3. What is non-linearity?
Non-linearity describes the hypertextual networks that are used so that a user does not have to follow a particular pattern (e.g. start to finish), instead they are able to choose which path suits them.
Five important characteristics of new media.
4. What is convergence?
Convergence describes a trend in which different media sources converge/merge so that they are able to be accessed by one multipurpose machine.
Five important characteristics of new media.
5. What is decentralisation? (Answer is quoted-ish from textbook)
Decentralisation enables digital information to be shared very easily, leading to further levels of dispersal and interconnectivity.