Content analysis Flashcards
what is a content analysis?
A observational research technique where people are studied indirectly via the communications they produce e.g in texts ,emails, TV
Aim is to summarise & describe this communication in a systematic wayso overall conclusions can be drawn
Quantitative data-is analysed using statistical tests
Qualitative data -analysed using content analysis or thematic analysis
Outline coding-content analysis
Quantifying data:
Content analysis tries to quantify qualitative data
first info is broken down into categories so the data can be objectively analysed (as some data sets are large such as transcipts or lengthy interviews thus by categorising info into meaningful units is useful this may involve counting number of times a word is used in a text to produce a form of quantitative data)
A representative sample of qualitative data is then taken
Coding is an initial stage of content analysis where:
Data is analysed according to coding units(catgeories
Coding units are operationalised
Operationalising improves validity & reliability of results
the data analysed according to coding units then examines how often the coding units are used
finally, once coding units have been collected
statistical tests can be carried out
statistical tests can be descriptive or inferential
Outline Thematic analysis
- Content analysis may also involve generating qualitative data example of this is thematic analysis
Content analysis allows for statistical tests to be applied
- If coding system is properly set up , other scientists can apply the same system to repeat studies-improves replicability
- content analsysis can circumnavigate around ethical issues as much of the material an analyst studies like tv adverts, films already exist in public domain thus no issue obtaining premission & thus conversations may be high in external validity
- Coding system can establish clear patterns in data
content analysis lacks objectivity
- people tend to be studied indirectly as part of content analysis so the communication they produce is analysed outside of the context within which it occured
- content analysis suffers from lack of objectivity when descriptive forms of thematic analysis are employed