Contemporary Ethical Theories Flashcards
what are the main critisms of Classical Theories
- overly abstract, too rule based
- too reductionist
- too imperosnal
- too rational, doesnt consider emotion
The Concept of the Other
focus on how we treat other people - treat them as an object, so different that we dont even recognise them - ethics is only availabe when were open to them
arguments for the other
- draws attention to the limits of rule based appraoches that close us off to emotions
- were then open to understanding more about the world around us
explain the moral impulse
our emotions should dictate how we treat others, not rules - there never can be a universal ethics code, decisions need to made seperat;ey as each situation is different
arguments for moral impulse theory
+ humans are emotional actors
+ moral distance tends to outweigh principles
+ we act differenlty in different contexts
+ principles can detach us from the other, stops us from being human
Explain the theory of Undecidability of Ethics
every decision has a choice otherwise wouldnt be a decision - based on the condition of possibility and opens our moral imagination
strengths of the concept of Undecidability
+ forces us to stay open minded
+ following rules can blind us to objectives
+ consider example of the drug trade
what is the relevance of contemporary theories
- encourages reflexivity
- challanges business norms
- however is much more resource intesnive