Contact Phase Test Flashcards
Is OG approval for a gross weight reduction for takeoff allowed
With squadron supervisor approval, pilots may reduce gross weight by burning down fuel to a predetermined usable fuel weight (2T-38 Vol 3)
(Tinder) Center closed approved
Pull closed into Tinder’s pattern
(Tinder) Center turn crosswind
turn crosswind into Tinder’s pattern
(Tinder) Center maintain runway heading
maintain runway heading climbing to 2,800’ MSL until approved to enter Tinder’s pattern
(Tinder) Center Breakout
fly runway heading to 4,000 then perform a VFR breakout
(Tinder) Abort
Abort the takeoff
(Tinder) Go around
Discontinue approach or landing and initiate procedures to become or remain airborne
(Tinder) Breakout
Leave the traffic pattern, using altitude deconfliction as the primary method
(Tinder) Late Break
Cleared to break as required for spacing behind the last aircraft on inside downwind
(Tinder) Standby
Maintain runway heading until 1 mile past departure end then turn crosswind
(Tinder) Extend
Maintain runway heading at or below 2,300 to dep end and then at or below 2800
What is Bingo fuel
A prebriefed fuel state which allows the aircraft to return to the base of intended landing or alternate, if required, using preplanned recovery parameters and arriving with normal recovery fuel
What is Normal Recovery Fuel
The fuel on initial or at the final approach fix (FAF) at the base of intended landing or alternate, if required. Fuel quantity will be as established locally or 800 pounds, whichever is higher
Altitude restriction to exit first ring MOAs
At or below 14K
Altitude restriction leaving other MOAs
At or below 17K
Min Fuel
600 lbs
Marshaller require
10-24 ft not in parking area, in taxi lane w/o Majcom waiver
<10 ft with Majcom/DO waiver
Wing walker required
Same as Marshaller except <10 ft with waiver
Can you taxi with a gen light on (failed to reset)
When does the gear horn sound
Below 96%, 210 kts, 10,000 ft
When can you combine climb and level off checks
Below 18k
Can you taxi with EGI not fully aligned
Yes (standards say have EGI fully aligned “to the max extent possible”, but it’s not required for taxi)
Per the -1, course alignment takes 2 minutes, and the fine alignment occurs between 2 and 4 minutes, so you should at least wait 2 minutes
Min speed for inside DW
220 until configuring
When can you start the final turn
Flaps have tracked at least 60% and no asymmetry exists