Construction Technology and Environmental Services Flashcards
What is buildability?
- Buildability can be defined as the extent to which the design of a building facilitates the ease of construction.
- To help improve buildability, early contractor involvement should be considered to benefit from their experience and expertise.
What are the benefits of off-site construction over in-situ?
- Safety - Hazards such as falls from height are more likely to occur on site than in the factory
- Efficiency and quality - Construction takes place in a controlled environment
- Sustainability - Reduction in waste produced
- Speed - Work in the factory can be scheduled to begin at the same time as other activities on site, resulting in a shorter build programme.
What are temporary works?
Temporary works are the parts of a construction project that are needed to enable the permanent works to be built, they are usually required for safety or even access reasons. Examples are:
- Propping
- Scaffolding
- Formwork
- Excavation support
- Access and task lighting
What are hoists?
Designed for the vertical transportation of materials and/or people.
What is shoring?
Form of temporary support given to existing buildings and excavations. The purpose is to prevent collapse or excessive movement.
What is substructure?
- Substructure is the lower portion of the building (in the ground) which supports the superstructure.
- Transmits the loads of the building into the ground.
- Includes foundations, basements and retaining walls etc.
What is ground heave?
- Ground heave is usually associated with clay soil which swells when wet, causing the upward movement of the ground.
- As the soil generally cannot expand downwards or sideways, the result is that the exposed upper surface of the soil rises up.
What are some of the techniques available for ground improvement?
- Vibro compaction
- Vibro stone columns
- Vertical drains and vacuum consolidation
- Soil mixing
- Dynamic compaction
- Dynamic replacement
What are the different forms of excavation?
- Site clearance operations (removing vegetation and rubble)
- Stripping topsoil
- Reduced level dig (to reach formation level)
- Cut and fill
- Excavation for foundations
What are the key factors the contractor should consider when excavating?
- Nature of the soil and moisture content of the ground
- Method of excavation
- If ground support systems are required
- Proximity of existing buildings
- Depth of excavation
- Underground services and drainage
Have you come across the terms SUDs?
- Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
- SUDS are designed to maintain stormwater locally (as close to its source as possible), to mimic natural drainage and to encourage infiltration and/or attenuation.
- SUDS help to reduce the reliance on existing drainage infrastructure.
What is the purpose of a foundation?
- Foundations provide support for structures, transferring their load to the ground to avoid excessive settlement.
- Foundations should bear the load of the superstructure.
What are the typical considerations when selecting the type and size of foundations?
- The total load of the building
- Nature and load bearing capacity of the ground
- Type of structure
- Cost
- Construction constraints (for example, their proximity to adjacent buildings/structures).
What are the different types of foundation?
- Strip foundations
- Pad foundations
- Raft foundations
- Piled foundations
What is a raft foundation?
A raft foundation is essentially a continuous slab that extends over the entire footprint of the building. The raft spreads the load of the building over a larger area than other foundations, the stress acting on the ground below is reduced.
What are pad foundations?
- Pad foundations are typically used to support individual or multiple columns, spreading the load to the ground below.
- They are usually square or rectangular on plan and can be reinforced or non-reinforced.
What are strip foundations?
As the name suggests, the formation is in a strip of linear structure that ultimately serves to spread the weight across the total area of the ground, typically used to support masonry.
What are pile foundations?
- A pile is column (usually concrete) that extends deep into the ground.
- Where the bearing capacity of the soil is poor imposed loads are very heavy, pile foundations may be required.
- There are two main types of pile:
End bearing piles
Friction piles - There are two main construction methods:
Bored piles.
Driven concrete piles.
In what scenarios might a piled foundation be the best solution for a project?
- Where the structure is heavy and the underlying soil is weak
- In areas where settlement issues are common
- Where the sub-soil water table is high
- Where the load distribution of the structure is not uniform
- Presence of horizontal forces
Can you explain how end bearing and friction piles transfer the load of building?
- End bearing piles - The bottom of the pile rests on a layer of strong soil or rock, the load of the building is transferred through the pile onto the strong layer.
- Friction piles - Friction piles work on a different principle, friction piles develop most of the pile-bearing capacity by shear stresses along the sides of the pile. In other words, the surface of the pile works to transfer the forces to the soil.
What are the differences between bored piles and driven piles?
The fundamental difference lies in their point of manufacture. A driven pile is formed off site under factory-controlled conditions and a bored pile is manufacture on site.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of driven piles?
- Piles can be precast to the required specifications
- Piles of any size, length and shape can be made in advance
- A pile driven into granular soil compacts the adjacent soil mass, the bearing capacity of the pile increase as a result.
- Fast, neat and clean installation
- Requires heavy equipment for handling and delivery
- Increased noise and vibrations generated by driving the piles
- Can be costly if the piles are short
What are the key advantages and disadvantages of bored piles?
- Any size or shape of pile can be formed on site
- No risk of damage during delivery and handling
- Reduced vibrations and noise
- Significant spoils are generated that need to be handled
- Reliance and coordination on multiple trades (reinforced crew, piling crew and concrete supplier)
- Unlike driven piles, bored piles do not improve the bearing capacity of the ground.
What are secant pile walls?
- A wall is formed by installing interlocking piles which create a solid barrier free of gaps
- Typically used to form a retaining wall
What is underpinning and why might it be required?
Underpinning is a method for repair and strengthening the foundations
- Stabilizing foundations undergoing settlement
- Stabilizing foundations that have moved because of landslip or unstable slopes
- Stabilizing foundations affected by erosion, subsidence or heave.
- Stabilizing foundations affected by vibration damage
- To increase the load capacity of the existing foundations
- To accommodate a new adjoining building, new basement, or deep sewer
What is the superstructure of the building?
- The structural components of a building constructed above the ground level (usually everything above the damp-proof course)
- The basic components of a building’s superstructure are columns, beams, slabs, walls etc.
What is the envelope of the building?
- A building envelope is the boundary between the interior and exterior of a building.
- The materials and components that form the external shell of a building such as brickwork, cladding, curtain walls etc.
Can you briefly explain what a retained façade is?
- The façade of the building is preserved whilst the rest of the structure is remodeled, or a new structure is built behind it.
- Façade retention is often used when restoring listed buildings.
What are the key considerations when designing external walls?
- Weather protection
- Fire resistance
- Acoustic requirements
- Thermal performance
- Structural performance
- Appearance/aesthetics
- Expected lifespan
- Future maintenance
What are the main components of concrete?
- Cement
- Aggregate
- Water
What is the difference between dead loads and live loads on a structure?
- Dead loads are static forces that are relatively constant for an extended time; usually the weight of materials plus non-structural elements such as partitions, immovable fixtures, kitchens etc.
- Live loads refer to the dynamic forces from occupancy to intended use. These loads include the weight of people, furniture, appliances, movable equipment etc.
What are retaining walls?
A retaining wall hold back (or “retains”) the soil behind it. The typical purpose is to resist the lateral pressure of the soil where there is a change in ground elevation
What is pre-tensioned concrete?
- In pre-tensioning the reinforcement, in the forms of tendons or cables, are stretched (put into tension) across the concrete framework before the concrete is placed
- After the concrete has hardened and a suitable strength developed, the tendons are released
- The tendons attempt to shorten and transfer the energy stored to the concrete
- A compressive force is therefore induced into the concrete
What is post tensioned concrete?
- The concrete is cast around tubes or ducts which will contain the reinforcing tendon
- Once a suitable concrete strength has been developed, the tendons are threaded through the ducts and stretched (put into tension) using hydraulic jacks.
Can you explain what a glulam beam is?
- The term glulam is an abbreviated term that stands for glue-laminated timber
- A glulam is made with multiple layers of wood bonded together with high-strength adhesive to form a single structural unit
Can you explain what reinforced concrete is?
- Reinforced concrete is a combination concrete with reinforcements (usually steel bar, rods or mesh)
- This combination is made to use the compressive strength of the concrete and tensile strength of steel at the same tie, hence, work together to resist many types of loading
What are the key advantages of timber frames?
- Construction on-site can be faster (compared to in situ concrete frames
- The structure is relatively lightweight
- Timber an be aesthetically pleasing (exposed oak beams for example)
- Sustainability benefits (assuming the timber is harvested responsibly from well managed forests)
What are the key disadvantages of timber frames?
- Skilled workmanship is required to achieve a high-quality finished
- Potential for wet rot, dry rot and woodworm etc.
- Fire protection may be required
What are the key advantages of steel frames?
- Faster to erect than concrete frames
- Recyclable
- High strength to weight ratio
- Beams can span over long distances (ideal for warehouses etc.)
What are the key disadvantages of steel frames?
- Typically, steel frames have a lower load bearing capacity compared to concrete frames
- Fire protection may be required
- The price of steel can be volatile
- Steel frames do not have the same acoustic and thermal properties of a concrete frame
What are the main components of concrete?
- Cement
- Aggregate
- Water
What site surveys might be required for a typical construction project?
- Topographic survey
- Site investigation
- Asbestos survey
- Drainage CCTV survey
- Utility searches
- Measured survey
- Ecology survey
- Flood risk assessments
- Transport assessments
- UXO discovery
- CBR test
- Archeological digs/excavations
- Existing conditions surveys
What are the objectives of a site investigation?
- The primary purpose is to establish parameters for foundation and substructure design
- The engineer will assess the properties and composition of the soil and rock, as well as potential ground contamination that could affect construction or safety.
What types of vegetation can cause issues for construction projects?
Invasive plants such as Japanese knotweed.
What is a CBR test?
- California Bearing Ratio
- Test the load bearing capacity of the ground to inform foundation design and construction details for other ground bearing elements (such as roads).
Can you detail the different types of fire extinguisher and their typical uses?
Water - Wood, carboard, textiles etc. Foam - Flammable liquids. Dry Powder - Flammable liquids and electrical fires. Carbon dioxide - Electrical fires. Wet chemical - Cooking oil fires.
What are building regulations?
- Regulations to ensure that new buildings, conversions, renovations and extensions (domestic or commercial) are going to be safe, healthy and high performing.
- Regulations cover specific topics including structural integrity, fire protection, accessibility, energy performance, acoustic performance, protection against falls, electric and gas safety.
Can you name some materials that have been banned for use in construction?
- High alumina cement in structural elements
- Asbestos
- Urea formaldehyde
What is the Equality Act 2010?
- The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society.
- The Equality Act replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single act and covers all matters such as disability, race, sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy, religion, or belief etc.
How does the Equality Act affect buildings?
- Whilst accessible design of buildings is regulated by Building Regulations Part M, the Equality Act does not require “reasonable adjustments” to be made when providing access to goods, facilities, services and premises.
Can you explain what the Party Wall Act of 1996 is?
- The party Wall etc Act 1996 provides a framework for preventing and resolving disputes in relation to party walls, boundary walls and excavations near neighbouring buildings.
- The Act is separate from obtaining planning permission or building regulations approval.
Can you briefly explain what O&M manuals are what might be included?
- Operation and Maintenance manuals.
- Upon completion of the build phase, O&M manuals are issued to the client/building owner (O&M manuals are usually produced by the contractor).
- Includes all information relating to how the building has been constructed, should be maintained, cleaned and decommissioned.
- Includes as built drawings and specifications
What are British Standards?
- Publications issued by the British Standards Institution (Prefixed BS).
- They give recommended minimum standards for materials, components, design and construction practices.
What is a portal frame and what types of building may it be suitable for?
- The frame is generally characterised by a beam (or rafter) supported at either end by columns. The columns are typically connected to the rafters with haunch/eaves connections.
- Portal frames usually have long clear spans providing larges areas of open space; therefore, they are commonly used to construct warehouses, factories, etc.
What does HVAC stand for?
- Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning.
With reference to concrete frames, what is formwork?
Formwork is the structure, usually temporary, used to contain poured concrete and mould it to the required dimensions. The formwork is usually stripped away once the concrete has hardened and can support itself.
What does FCU, AHU and VAV stand for?
- Fan Coil Unit (FCU)
- Air Handling Unit (AHU)
- Variable Air Volume (VAV)
What it is intumescent paint?
- Intumescent paint is a passive fire protection system
- When exposed to extreme temperatures, it rapidly expands to protect the surface it is applied to. This prevents, minimises, or delays fire damage to the structure.