Construction Safety Quiz Flashcards
What risks do young workers face when they are first exposed to const. environment?
1) Not being able to identify and refuse “unsafe work”
2) Being afraid to ask questions (afraid to look inexperienced)
3) Not wearing PPE
4) Not knowing safety hazards
What topics should you expect to be covered during a site orientation session?
1) Who to report safety precautions to
2) Location of first aid officer & station
3) Location of Muster station
4) Required PPE for activities to be performed
5) Potential hazards for the day/work to be completed
6) Proper use of equipment/small tools to be used
7) Workers rights
What are some safety precautions for operating a concrete pump hose?
1) Recognize the warning signs and prevent blockages in pipelines with air trapped behind them
2) Maintain regular communication between workers about hazards during operations
3) Stay out of the end-hose discharge area when blockage is suspected
4) Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the operation and maintenance of a concrete pump
Who is mainly responsible for safety on a const. site?
The contractor
What are some safety precautions during an excavation operation?
1) Ensure that sides of an excavation over 1.2 m in depth are sloped, shored, or supported as specified by a professional engineer.
2) Conduct daily inspections of excavations
3) Assess the possibility that vibrations from nearby road traffic can cause excavation walls to crack or collapse
4) Inform workers about the health hazards they can face when working around excavations
5) Submit a Notice of Project (NOP) to WorkSafeBC for any construction work that involves entering a trench deeper than 1.2m
What are some safety precautions for working around wall forms?
1) Ensure that all design drawings and erection drawings are as certified by professional engineer and provide COMPLETE information
2) Provide safe access to every work platform (suitable ladders)
3) Develop and enforce safe work procedures for work being performed
Identify risks, PPE, and precautions for “Working on a barge”
- Falling into water (drowning) by slipping or tripping
- Pinch points
- Getting hit by cranes/machines
- Tie-off (fall protection system)
- Life vest, flotation suit
- Gloves
- Housekeeping
- Keep floor clear of tripping/slipping hazards
- Be alert, stay out of “line of fire”
- Good communication
- Ice removal
Identify risks, PPE, and precautions for “Heavy Lifts”.
- Crushing loads
- Struck loads
- General risks
- No specific (just general PPE)
- Proper rigging (regular inspection for damage)
- Guidelines to avoid ever working directly under load
- Good communication w/ operator (direct line of sight)
- Be alert, don’t take eyes off lift
- Restrict traffic through area
Identify risks, PPE, and precautions for “Welding”.
- Eye damage
- Heat
- Welding hood
- Welding leathers
- Don’t look into flash
- Stay clear if you’re not the welder
Identify risks, PPE, and precautions for “Heavy Equipment on Land”.
- Struck/pinched by moving equipment
- None specific (general PPE)
- Be alert
- Don’t linger where you have no business
Identify risks, PPE, and precautions for “Dredging”.
- Falling into water (drowning)
- Being hit by cranes/machines
- PFD (Personal Flotation Device)
- NO tie-off for operator
- Awareness for operator
- Tie down excavator if possible
Identify risks, PPE, and precautions for “Tremie Concrete”.
- Drowning (pump operation)
- Pinch points (mixer truck vs pump)
- Drying, burning of hands
- Concrete splatter in eyes
- Blockage in tremie and being thrown
- Tie-off
- Gloves
- Safety glasses
- Good communication
- Proper operating procedures
- Ladder on inside wall of cofferdam
Identify risks, PPE, and precautions for “ Dewatering”.
- Drowning
- Tie-off
- No entry to dewatered area before engineer in charge signs off stability
Identify risks, PPE, and precautions for “Pier Construction”.
- Injury from rebar placement (stabbing, cuts, back strain)
- Falls (due to tripping or lost balance)
- Burns
- Green cutting (splatter in eyes)
- Hard hats
- Safety glasses
- Gloves/Leather gloves
- Long sleeves
- Maintain stable posture (avoid leaning/ reaching, take breaks)
- Lift/erect large size rebar in teams
- Caution/housekeeping
- Stay clear
What are the general PPE required?
1) Glasses
2) Hard steel-toe boots
3) Hi-Viz vest
4) Gloves
5) Hard hats
6) Ear plugs
What are the owner’s workplace safety responsibilities?
1) Maintain the premises in a way to ensure safety for the people working on site
2) Comply with OH&S requirements and orders
3) Notify employers or prime contractors of any heath hazards present that need to be avoided or dealt with
What are the employer’s workplace safety responsibilities?
1) Establish a valid OH&S program
2) Train employees to perform work safely and provide proper supervision
3) Provide supervisors with necessary support and training to carry out health and safety responsibilities
4) Ensure first aid supplies and attendants are present on site to dealt with any injuries
5) Regularly inspect workplace to makes sure everything is working properly
6) Fix problems reported by workers
7) Submit necessary forms to WorkSafeBC
What are the supervisor’s workplace safety responsibilities?
1) Ensure health and safety for all workers under your direct supervision
2) Ensure workers under your supervision have required PPE and are wearing it properly
3) Know the WorkSafeBC requirements for the work performed under your supervision
4) Make sure workers under your supervision know all the safety hazards present on site
What are the worker’s workplace safety responsibilities?
1) Be alert to hazards. Report them immediately to supervisor or employer
2) Follow safe work procedures
3) Use PPE required
4) Never work under the influence of alcohol, drugs, any other substance, or if overly tired
What are the prime contractor’s workplace safety responsibilities?
1) Coordinate the occupational health and safety activities of all employers, worker, and anybody else working on site
2) Establish and maintain procedures to ensure OH&S requirements at the workplace are being followed by all parties
What are the worker’s rights?
1) Right to refuse “unsafe work”
2) Right to know about health hazards in the workplace
3) Right to participate in health and safety activities in the workplace
Who is responsible for enforcing occupational health and safety laws?
The Ministry (or Department) of Labour or Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB)
Who is responsible for enforcing this Criminal Code?
Police and crown attorneys
What was the Westray bill (Bill C-45)?
The Westray bill or Bill C-45 was federal legislation that amended the Canadian Criminal Code and became law on March 31, 2004
Why was Westray Bill created?
as a result of the 1992 Westray coal mining disaster in Nova Scotia where 26 miners were killed after methane gas ignited causing an explosion
Who do these provisions of the Criminal Code affect?
all organizations and individuals who direct the work of others, anywhere in Canada. These organizations include federal, provincial and municipal governments, corporations, private companies, charities and non-governmental organizations.
Can a company be charged under a provincial OH&S act and the Criminal Code at the same time?
Yes, it is possible.
Does Section 217.1 in the Criminal Code impact on other legislation?
What are the main provisions of Section 217.1 in the Criminal Code?
- Created rules for establishing criminal liability to organizations for the acts of their representatives.
- Establishes a legal duty for all persons “directing the work of others” to take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of workers and the public.
- Sets out the factors that courts must consider when sentencing an organization.
- Provides optional conditions of probation that a court may impose on an organization.