Constitutionalism Flashcards
Bill of Rights
(1689) english document declaring that sovereignty resided with parliament
Monarch is supreme and exceed uses full and completely unilateral power
Charles I
Stuart king who created the English civil war by fighting with parliament
Charles II
Stuart king during the restoration following cromwells interregnum
Louis XIV financial minister who promoted mercantilism
Oliver Cromwell
Principal leader and gentry member of puritans in parliament. Took over english government as lord protector
Diggers and Levellers
Radical english groups on the 1650’s who called for abolition of private ownership
Divine right monarchy
Belief that monarchs power derived from God. James I supported this in England
Frederick the Great
(1740-86) Prussian ruler who expanded his territory by invading Austrian Silesia
Frederick William
Prussian ruler who built a strong army and infused military values into society. The great elector
French Classicism
The style in 17th c. Art and literature resembling arts in the ancient/Renaissance world. Neoclassical
The last aristocratic revolt against the French monarch
Glorious Revolution
(1688-1689) James II abdicated and was replaced by Mary Stuart and William of Orange
Habeas Corpus
Prevents imprisonment without demonstrated cause
Thomas Hobbes
(1588-1679) political theorist who advocated absolute monarchy based on his view of nature as anarchistic
(1649-1659) The period of cromwells rule between Charles I and II
James I
Asserted divine right of kings over constitutional principles
James II
Final Stuart ruler. Forced to abdicated and his successors agreed to bill of rights, guaranteeing parliaments supremacy
John Locke
Political theorist who defended the glorious revolution and argued natural rights of life liberty and property
Louis XIV
(1643-1704) the sun king. Established the supremacy of absolutism in 17th century France and Europe
Maria Theresa
Archduchess of Austria, queen of Hungary. Lost Silesia to Prussia but kept other territories
Policy whereby the state and regulated the economy through tariffs subsidies and laws to the benefit of the mother country
New Model Army
Disciplined fighting Protestants under Cromwell in the civil war
Peace of Utrecht
(1713) concluded war of Spanish succession which forbade the Union of France and Spain despite placing a Bourbon on the spainish throne
Peter the Great
Romanov czar who began westernization by incorporating manufacturing techniques and cultural practices
Petition of Right
(1628) parliamentary document that restricted the Kings power. Called for recognition of the writ of habeas corpus and held that only parliament could impose taxes
Puritan Revolution
Referring to the English civil war (1642-1646)
English Protestants hopping to purify the Anglican Church of Catholicism
The return of the Stuart monarch after Cromwell
Test Act
(1673) law preventing Catholics and dissenters from holding office
Palace built by Louis XIV outside of Paris to subdue the nobility
War of the Spanish Succession
(1701-1713) last of Louis XIV’s wars over Spain’s throne
William of Orange
(1672-1702) Dutch prince and foe of Louis XIV. Became king of England in 1689