Constitutional Freedoms Flashcards
Bill of rights:
The rights that the national govt. cannot take away (state or local)
Human rights:
Fundamental freedoms ( speech, religion, press, petition, assembly)
Protects your rights from state and local govt.
What amendment aren’t included in the incorporation?
2nd amendment :
Right to bare arms
3rd amendment
No hoarding soldiers
10th amendment
Any power not giving to national is the states or locals
5th amendment
Grand jury (if case should be heard)
7th amendment
Sue at least for $20
14th amendment
- explains what a citizen is
- no state can deprive u from ur rights
What are your liberties?
The five basic freedoms (speech,religion, press,petition,assembly)
What is due process?
- investigate a case fairly
- fair trail
- fair punishment
What’s the establishment clause?
Where there won’t be no official religion
Because of the _______ wall of separation was created
Establishment clause
Everson v. Board of education
It was legal for church run schools could ask for transportation (1947)
Board of education v. Allen
Church run schools can get secular textbooks (1968)
Non religious
Lemon v. Kurtzman
Lemon test
- serves a secular purpose
- neither promote nor inhibit religion
- no excessive entanglement of govt. and religion (1971)
Mueller v. Allen
Parents can deduct from their taxes any money spent on textbooks for church run schools (1983)
McCollum v. Board of education
Couldn’t use school time for religious study (1948)
Engel v. Vitale
No school sponsored prayers (1963)
Abingdon school district v. Schemmp
No school sponsored bible readings (1963)
Other things declared unconstitutional in schools
- no Lord’s Prayer
- can’t have a moment of silence with the word prayer
- no official prayer before school event
Epperson c. Arkansas
State can’t ban the teaching of evolution
Edwards v. Aguillard
If you teach creationism you have to teach evolution
Free exercise clause
Can freely express your religion
Reynolds v. United States
No more polygamy ( only one wife ) (1879)