Ch 2- Colonial Flashcards
Magna Carta :
- known as Great charter ( Latin)
- unwritten constitution
- put limits on Kim Jong I
- 1215
Limited govt. :
- Has limitation
- can only do what it’s specified to
What Kim Jong I couldn’t do:
- (123)
- no taxation without getting permission
- can’t take away land without reason
- no imprisonment without reason
Glorious revolution:
England finds a brand new Protestant , William of Orange, and make a peaceful transition
English bill of rights :
- Takes more power away from the king
- 1688
- then starts with the rights ( speech etc)
Representative govt. :
- Where representatives make the law for the people
- England rep. Is a parliament
House of Commons:
- house of reps.
- for people like us
House of Lords:
- senate
- in by birth
John Locke’s writings name is …
- Two treaties on govt. (Book)
- about the social contract
John Locke thought that legitimacy of govt. ….
- cones from the people
- if the people don’t like the govt. They rebel
John Locke thought our natural rights where:
In English colonies who had voting rights :
White men
Mayflower compact
- 1620
- first written form of govt. In the 13 colonies
In the English colonies governance would be by …
A majority rule
The first legislative body was in:
Virginia ( called house of burgesses )
Duties of legislatures:
- make the law
- enforce the law
- interpret the law
Separation of powers:
When you divide up the work the work of the law in 3 branches
British views of the colonies’ purpose:
- behave (follow rules)
- buy only from England
- provide them with anything they wanted (trees= boats)
Salutary neglect :
- 1607-1750
- we followed their law by providing them resources
- but we rolled ourselves as if we were a country
Impact of the French and Indian war for the colonies :
- we no longer had to worry about French
- we got a lot of territory
Impact of the French and Indian war on the British:
- English empire got bigger
- they went into debt and couldn’t pay for the war
Stamp act
- 1765
- Taxed 5 items
- paper, books, pamphlet, playing cards, dice
The colonists refused the stamp act by :
- Putting together the Stamp act congress
- refused to buy stuff till they got rid of the stamp act
Who was expected to pay the taxes?
The colonies
Boston tea party’s purpose:
- 1773
- didn’t want taxes on tea
Because of the boston tea party the British responded by…
Passing the Townsend duties ( intolerable acts)
American colonies called the Townsend duties :
Intolerable acts
Townsend duties included:
- The port of boston closed
2. Military rule
How did the colonists view themselves ?
- they were loyal English citizens
- citizens of whatever country thy live in
Albany plan of union :
- author Benjamin Franklin
- purpose was to get the colonies ready for war
Why was the Albany plan of union rejected?
The king of England didn’t want them to unite and kick him out
Who attended the first continental congress?
- Sam Adams
- John Adams
- George Washington
- John Hancock
How many colonies attended the first continental congress?
What was the reason for the first continental congress ?
To deal with the intolerable acts in 1774
What decisions did they make in the first continental congress?
- To boycott all English goods
- agree to meet again