Ch 1- People & Govt. Flashcards
State def.
A political party that has
- territory
- govt
- population
- sovereignty
The states origin :
Grease polis=city state
Nation def.
A group of people who are bound together by common language, religion, & customs
Sovereignty def.
We give the govt. the right to tell us what to do
Nation & state difference
A nation doesn’t have territory
Indians , Eskimos, kalahari bushmen ex of
Features of a state :
- territory
- govt
- population
- sovereignty (TGPS)
Origins of the state theories ( how the govt. got started)
Evolutionary- started with the family
Force- a strong group uses their force on weak people
Divine right- the people believe someone was hand picked to rule
Social contract- an agreement between the govt. and the people were the PLp give rights up
Hobbes’ philosophy (Thomas)
- The guy who came up with the social contract
- once in a contract they have to follow it
- life without govt. would be bad (anarchy life without rules)
John locke’s expansion of Hobbes’ philosophy
-came up with unalienable rights ( life liberty property)
- believed in the right to rebel
( and social contract)
Purposes of govt. :
- Authoritative govt.
- Sources of authority
- Provide public services
- Maintain social order
- Provide defense
- General welfare
General welfare :
Keeping people happy and healthy
Authoritative govt. :
One that can tell you what to do
Sourced of authority :
- people
- coercion ( intimidation)
Govt. systems:
1 level of govt. that 1 level makes rules for everyone
power is shared between national, state ,local
Loosely tied together bands of state
England , N.korea ex of
The confederate states of America ex of
USA ex of
Constitution :
Set of written laws
Purpose of constitution :
- sets up the structure of the govt.
- sets limits for the govt.
- sets up the supreme law
Constitutional govt. :
A govt. that has a constitution
Constitutions as incomplete guides :
- a written constitution
- an unwritten constitution
Written constitution :
Lists every law
An unwritten constitution :
Can’t layout all the structure problems
Preamble :
The intro to the constitution
American goals( goals of govt.) :
- To establish a more perfect union
- Establish justice
- Ensure domestic tranquility
- Provide for the common defense
- Promote the general welfare
- Secure the blessings of liberty
Main body of the constitution includes: (3)
- Preamble
- 7 articles
- 27 amendments
Supremacy of constitutions :
- every citizen has to follow it
- every state as well
Types of govt. :
Autocracy :
Ruled by one
Forms of autocracy :
- Totalitarian dictatorship
- monarchy
Totalitarian dictatorship :
Where one person has total control
Monarchy :
King or queen
2 types of monarchy :
- Constitutional
- absolute
Hitler , Kim Jong un , ex of
Totalitarian dictatorship
Constitutional monarchy :
King/queen have no power
Absolute monarchy:
King/ queen has complete power
Saudi Arabia ex of
Constitutional monarchy
Oligarchy :
Rules by few
Ruled by the people
Lincoln’s definition of democracy:
Govt. is by the people for the people
Vietnam, China ex of
Where did Lincoln give the definition of democracy ?
In his Gettysburg address
Forms of democracy:
- Direct democracy
- representative democracy
Direct democracy:
Every citizen helps make the law
Problem with direct democracy:
We have to many people
Representative democracy :
We elect people to make the law for us
Characteristics of democracy:
- Liberty/ freedom
- majority rule with minority rights
- competing political parties
- free elections
Liberty/ freedom :
As long as you don’t hurt anyone
Majority rule with minority rights:
Whites have to make rules for everyone
Free elections:
No one is forcing you to vote
Economic theories.
A economic system where the people make the economic decisions
Laissez faire theory:
The govt. Has no involvement in the economy (only if they try to keep us safe )
Who cram rated Laissez faire theory?
Adam smith
Laissez faire in French means:
Leave it alone
Bourgeoisie :
The rich
Socialism :
A economy where some decisions are made by the govt. & the people
The govt. Controls everything
Goals of socialism : (3)
- to get everyone to have a job
- taxes
- for the govt. To gain control of important industries
The workers
Who created communism:
Carl Marx
Max’s argument :
The rich keep the poor people poor
Max’s prediction:
One day the poor will rise
Roles of govt. In a communist state:
They control everything ( how you spend money etc. )
Every European country ex of
China , Vietnam , Soviet Union , ex of