What is one of the most important things
That parties be allowed choose their arbitrator
For each number of decsion makers say how theyre chosen
1: Agreement of parties
2: Each party chooses 1
3: Each party chooses one and those 2 parties choose presiding
What do the uncitral rules do
Give deadlines so that partys dont use strategic delay tactics
If partys dont agree on arbitrator, go to courts if they dont have an appointing authority.
Article 8 UNCITRAL
If parties cant agree within 30 days, appointing authority, if none , judge
Give list of potential arbitrators
Parties cross out names
Appointing authorrity decides from rest
If still no agreement, appointing authority has discretion
Article 9
If there are 3 arbitrators and one party refuses to choose one, then appointing party will choose
If no agreement on presiding arbitrator, appointing authority will choose
Article 10
If there are multiple parties to the arbitration, they have to decide together
Article 13: parties can decide who to appoint but ICC reserves the power to confirm or reject appointment
Employ a list procedure of arbitrators parties can choose from
Issue with instiutional arb in this context
Lack of autonomy
Whats arbitrability?
Whether or not the dispute is capable of being arbitrated under the applicabe law
Difference of arbitrability and scope
Scope is whether the tribunal can here that issue
Arbitrability means the whole dispute is incapable of being settled by arbitration and will not be enforced by jurisdiction
What are subject matters not capable of settlement by arbitration
Whats the Ontario Legislation
International Commercial Arbitration Act
Schedule 1
NY Conventon
Article 2: each state shall recognise an arbitration agreement
Articl 5(a) can refse enforcement of agremeent if subject matter is not capable of settlement by arbitration
What if the matter is not arbitrable in the country of enforcement but arbitrable at the law of seat
At award stage: Look at law of enforcement
At enforcement stage: Look at law of seat