Constipation and Diarrhea Flashcards
What are deficiency causes of constipation?
Blood deficiency Qi Deficiency Yin Deficiency Yang Deficiency Yang Deficiency With Cold accumulation
What are excess causes of constipation?
Food Stagnation
Qi Stagnation
Dry stool is seen in constipation from:
Heat, Yin or Blood deficiency
Pebble or button like stool seen in constipation from:
Heat, Qi Stagnation
Constipation or sluggish BM, possibly alternating with loose foul smelling stools, nausea and vomiting, acid reflux, indigestion, epigastric and abdominal fullness and distention, foul belching and flatulence, aversion to food. T: thick greasy coat. P: slippery.
Tx Strategy: Relieve food stagnation and harmonize the Stomach. Redirect Stomach Qi downward, promote bowel movement.
ST 25, SP 15; TW 6, GB 34; ST 37, BL 25, ST 44
+ PC 6; ST 40; ST 45, 40; SP 6, ST 36; SP 8, 4;
Bao He Wan
Food Stagnation
Dry stools, infrequent BM, thirst, scanty-dark urine, red face, feeling of heat, abdominal pain, dry mouth, foul breath. T: red, yellow coat and red points around the centre and on the root. P: rapid and slippery
Heat in the Stomach and Large Intestine (causing constipation)
Constipation, dry stools, abdominal pain and fullness red face, thirst, dry mouth, profuse sweating, feeling of heat, high fever.
T: Red with dry yellow coat.
P: Overflowing and Rapid
Tx Strategy: Drain Fire and promote downward movement of stools
Yang Ming Syndrome: ST 25, SP 15; TW 6; ST 37
+ LI 11, 4; GV 14; GB 39, TW 5, GB 34;
Acute Heat in Febrile Disease
Chronic diarrhea with feeling of incomplete evacuation or tenesmus, stools may be purple or black, sticky or tarry, alternate with constipation.
Fixed and localized, sharp, stabbing abdominal pain, worse with pressure
Dark complexion, dark rings around eyes, purple nails
Spider veins or vascular abnormalities over the abdomen, face and legs around inner knee and ankle.
T: purple or with brown with purple stasis spots; sublingual veins dark and distended
P: wiry, choppy or thready
TX Strategy: Transform and eliminate stagnant Blood from the Intestines.
ST 25; CV 6; A shi; BL 17, 25; SP 10, 8, 6; LI 4, LIV 3
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang Drive Out Blood Stasis in the Lower Abdomen
Desire to move stools but difficulty in doing so, great effort to open bowels, feeling of exhaustion afterwards, thin and long stools which are not dry, pale complexion, tiredness. If Spleen deficiency: muscular weakness, poor appetite. If Lung deficiency: slight breathless on exertion, weak voice. T: Pale. P: Empty
Tx Strategy: Tonify Qi, moisten the Intestines
ST 25, SP 15, CV 6; CV 12, ST 36, SP 6; BL 13, 20, 25
Huang Qi Tang Astragalus Decoction
Zhi Huang Qi, Dang Shen, Chao Bai Zhu, Chen Pi, Huo Ma Ren, Feng mi (honey)
Qi Deficiency
Dry stools, thirst with desire to sip water, dry mouth and throat especially in the evening, sore back and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, night sweating.
T: Red without coat, cracks. P: Floating-Empty
Tx Strategy: Nourish Yin, tonify the Kidneys and moisten the Intestines.
ST 25, 36; CV 4, 12; SP 6; BL 25, 20 21, 23;
KD 3, 6; Herbs are very effective
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Rehmannia Six Decoction
Yi Wei Tang Benefit the Stomach Decoction
Zeng Ye Tang Increase the Fluids Decoction
Yin Deficiency
Chronic constipation or sluggish stools which are not dry and may contain mucus, tenesmus, after BM patient feels lighter and clear headed. Abdominal distention, discomfort, foggy headedness, poor concentration, poor memory, sleepiness, lethargy, chronic mucus from sinuses and lungs, greasy skin, musty body odor, dizziness, h/a triggered by strong smells, obesity, pear shape. T: flabby, swollen with a greasy white coat, thicker on root. P: deep, slippery or wiry. Tx Strategy: Transform, eliminate phlegm, open bowels, elevate Yang to descend turbid Yin, regulate Liver Qi, strengthen Spleen. ST 25, SP 15; TW 6, GB 34; ST 40, SP 3, ST 41, 36; CV 12; LI 4, LV 3;
Phlegm Accumulation
Constipation with hard to expel stools that may or may not be dry; patient exhausted after defecation, copious clear urine, nocturia, scanty urination, pitted edema, cold extremities, aversion to cold, abdominal pain better with warmth, feels cold with palpation, waxy pale complexion, lower back ache and knee soreness. T: pale, swollen, moist, tooth marks, white coat. P: deep, slow. Tx: Warm, tonify Yang, promote BM, fluid metabolism
ST 25, SP 15; CV 4; BL 20, 23, 25; GV 4; ST 36, SP 6 KD 3; Ji Chuan Jian Benefit the River Decoction
Yang Deficiency, Cold Accumulation
What are the excess causes of diarrhea?
Invasion of External pathogens Damp Heat Cold Damp Food Stagnation Liver Qi Stagnation Blood Stasis
Dry stools, difficulty with defecation, dull-pale complexion, dizziness, numbness of the limbs, blurred vision.
T: Pale or normal.
P: Empty
Tx Strategy: Nourish blood, moisten intestines
CV 12, ST 36, SP 6; ST 25; CV 6, 4; BL 17, 18, 20, 23; SP 10
Diet and herbal therapy very effective
Run Chang Wan Moisten the Intestines Pill
Dang Gui, Sheng di Huang, Tao Ren, Huo Ma Ren, Zhi Ke
Blood Deficiency
What are the deficiency causes of diarrhea?
- -Spleen and Stomach deficiency
- -SP/KD Yang deficiency
- -Fluid Accumulating in the Intestines