means to save the natural resources (environment, extinct animal fossils, preserved dead objects) and places for future use as education and research
first to try to conserve the nature
Noah using ark
an act was passed as not to kill deer
in Captown in Africa, formulate the laws on conservation
introduced the conservation rules
founder of wildlife conservation
Aldo Leopold
the IUCN was founded in
established a park in Montana, USA
naturalist who visited different places to environment, and noted the environmental issues, wrote the book Silent Spring
Rihard Cartson, 1962
proposed ethics of conservation
J. Bard
first conference on conservation biology
Stockholm, 1972
variability among living organisms from all sources
biological diversity
biological diversity:
ecological biodiversity
genetic diversity
organism diversity
encompasses the components of the genetic coding that structures organisms and variation in the genetic make up
genetic diversity
encompasses the full taxonomic hierarchy and its components from individuals upwards to population
organism diversity
encompasses the scales of ecological differences from populations through habitats to ecosystems, provinces, and on up to biomes and biogeographic realms
ecological diversity
large areal units containing geographically distinct species as assemblage and experiencing geographically distinct environmental conditions
four ocean units
coastal boundary
early stage eukaryotes incorporated within their structure anaerobically metabolizing bacteria
when 75-95% of species that were extant are estimated to have become extinct
period of mass extinction
of the terrestrial realms, this is generally regarded as overall being the most biodiverse
Mongol Aztecs and Incas history has recorded many decrees setting aside land to protect its fauna
Alison, 1981
tropical island such as Mauritius and Tobago where the consequences of the over exploitation became apparent very quickly
Grove, 1992-1995
introduced in 1869 by Aristotle and other greek philosophers
formulated different value system
Glifford Pinchot, 1865-1946