consciousness Flashcards
the continuous stream of perception, thoughts, feelings or sensation which we are?aware from moment to moments
what are the dreaming hypnosis alcohol and drugs sleep example of?
altered sleep of consciousness.
what are the altered states of consciousness?
they are mental states other than ordinary working consiouseness.
what is the most fundamental altered state of consciousness?
what is the consciousness defined to?
controlled largely by the brain, fluncuates 24 hours cycles?
circadian rythm
what is a circadian rhythm?
a bilogical clock.
when from most of us alertness decreases?
from 2 to 5 pm and 2 to 7 am
what other factors can influence other than circadian rythm?
noon, seasons, and various biologial factors.
what is the circadian rhythm controlled by?
controlled lagely by the brain
how much timing does the circadian rhythm involves?
24 hours variation
what can modify our circadian rhythm?
external stimuli such as alarm clock artificial lights and job shifts
what is the time indicate when there is a subject who has no environment cue?
25 hours
what is the human body temperature can range?
36 deg
true or false.
people sleep when their body temperature is at the highest?
False, lowest
what is the most relevant to human aside from circadian rhythm?
infradian and ultradian rhythm.
why hunger patterns, heartbeats and eyeblinks are example of infradian rhythms?
because it occurs more several times in a day.
biological patterns occurs more than once in a day?
infardian Rhythms.
examples of infadian Rhythms?
eyeblinks, heartbeat and hunger patterns.
a rhythm that exceeds a 24 hours?
infradian Rhythms.
how many categories of sleep?
N-Rem sleep and Rem sleep.
an example of infrdian rhythms?
gorls period.
what often N-Rem sleep called?
the Quiet sleep
why N-Rem is called a quiet sleep?
because theres a slow body movement and the the blood pressure and the brain activity at the lowest point.
How many stage of sleep?
4 stages.
what each stage is identified as in N-Rem
Brain Wave Pattern.
slow waves goes with and large waves goes with?
slow waves goes with deep sleep and fast waves goes with light sleep.
. Transition from waking to sleeping?
. Transition from light to deeper sleep?
. Deeper sleep.
. Much deeper sleep.
NREM stage #1 (theta waves) fast waves
NREM stage #2 (Complex Wave)
NREM stage #3 (delta waves) Large slow waves
NREM stage #4 (delta waves) much larger slower waves
how does the slow waves began in stage #3?
when EEG show 20% of delta waves.
how does the deepest sleep begins in stage #4?
begins when 50% of the waves are delta waves.
when does Rem begins?
it begins when the transition back through stage #3 and stage #2 we renter stage #1.
In which period the brain is in stage #1?
the period when the brain is highly active.
The Rem sleep sometimes called?
the active sleep.
what happens in REM sleep?
adrenaline shoots the system/ Blood pressure and heart rate increases/ respiration becomes quicker/ characterized by vivid dreams/ large muscles paralize.
a sleep cycle lasting about 90 minutes and including one or more stages of NREM sleep followed by a period of rem sleep?
sleep cycles
how many sleep cycles is there?
how long does it last each cycle?
90 min
which stage begins with a few minutes in light sleep?
NREM stage #1
which stage in sleep is somewhat more deeply sleep?
NREM stage #2
which stage is the beginning of slow wave sleep deep sleep?
NREM stage #3
which stage in sleep is the deepest sleep?
NREM stage #4
what is delta wave associated with?
Deep Sleep.
what type of waves are delta waves?
slow waves.
how long does it last first rem period after entering stage #2 and 3?
10 to 15 min
what is REM may be necessary?
maturation of brain in infants.