Connective Tissues 2 Flashcards
Connective tissue types cells
2.fixed cells
Free cell types
1.plasma cells
2.mast cells
Fixed cells types
1.mesenchymal cells
3.fat cells
Mesenchymal cells (fixed cells)
(Mom of the group) structure
Branched cells
Pale basophilic cytoplasm
Mesenchymal cells function
Give rise to any other type of connective tissue cells
Stem cells
Fibroblast structure under light microscope
*young cells: branched with basophilic cytoplasm AND oval pale nucleus with prominent nucleolus
*old fibroblasts: flat, little pale acidophilic cytoplasm, flat or oval nucleus and prominent nucleolus
Fibroblast organelles (secretory cell)
Golgi apparatus
Transfer and secretory vesicles
Fibroblast function
*formation of intercellular substances
1. Secrete tropocollagen (collagen fibers)
2.secretion of mucopolysacharide of the matrix
3. Secretion of elastin
4. Repair wounds
Fat cells structure
Stain: H&E stain
Appear as empty spaces + peripheral nucleus +thin rim of cytoplasm (signet ring)
Staining the fat: sudan black and osmic acid
Appears black
Fat cells origin
Mesenchymal cells
Plasma cells origin
B lymphocytes enter loose CT from the blood stream
Plasma cells structure
Spherical when free
Angular when compressed
Nucleus is eccentric with clock face heterochromatin
Cytoplasm is basophilic with pale are around the nucleus
Plasma calls organelles
Free ribosomes
Golgi apparatus and a pair of centrioles
Mitochondria and secretory vesicles
Russell bodies
Plasma cell function
Secretion of antibodies
Mast cells origin
From bone marrow