Connective Tissue Flashcards
Hyaline and elastic cartilage contains what type of collagen?
Type 2
Cart wheel nucleus is typical and often basophilic ganules?
Mast cells
What connective tissue fiber are arygrophilic?
Reticular fibers
What cooncetive b
Tissue cell has a singlet appearance?
What is the undufferentiated cell that is the stem cell for connective tissue?
Mesenchymal cell
What does plasma produce?
What cell is responsible for the synthesis, maintenance and turn over of extra cellular matrix
What is the precursor of collagen?
Fibrocytes are is easly recognizable in what type of connective tissue?
What type of collagen has a highest amount of sugar groups?
Type 3
The wall of what structure contains many elastic fiber arrange in the lamellar fashion?
Elastic artery
Histocyte are form what WBC?
What type of cell is multi ocular and commonly found in fetuses?
Brown fat
What cell synthesis elastin?
What type of collagen is most abundant in skin, tendon, ligaments and bone?
Type 1