Connections between Frankenstein and NVLMG Flashcards
- Nurturing and motherly - Miss Emily with clones and Victor with his mum
- Dependent relationship with men - Elizabeth with Victor, Tommy with Ruth and Kathy
- Damsel in distress - Safie/creature, Madame/spider analogy
- Women doomed - Miss Emily fired, Innocent Justine
The idea of morals
- Shifts throughout - Victor making the creature and dilemma over female, Morningdale
- Narrative voice - Kathy uses human voice and vulnerability of clones, Hearing the creature’s voice
- Taking rather than contributing - De Lacey’s take creature’s generosity and society takes organs but doesn’t accept them as humans
- Setting used to create ideas about right and wrong - ask miss about this - boundaries both artificial woods/rumours/ice, and problems associated with no boundaries (exceeding natural limits)
Isolation or loneliness
- Setting - cottages in the middle of nowhere for clones and creature’s hovel, hidden from society
- Pathetic fallacy - Tommy and Creature in wind/storm, lack of clarity to losing bearings
- Characterisation of the victims - loss of relationships - Kathy loses R&T, Victor loses family, but the fault is different
- Time used to show the impact of rejection from society - Madame and villagers
- Loss of free will - boundaries of Hailsham - told and not told, creature from Victor being overtaken by ambition and passion for an idol in the dreary loft
- Loss of love - no deferral, loss of E, etc, development of characters through narrative arc to explore the effect of loss of love
- Loss of life - everyone dies, both books use the conventions of the tragedy genre to heighten pathos and effect on the reader
- Loss of identity - no names, no purpose, no education, no opportunities, authorial choice significant in both
Personal ambition of the characters - NVLMG - Ruth v Kathy, office, human disappointments
F - Peneterates the secret of nature, Victor
Narrative voices - Victor v Creature, Kathy’s decision to tell the story - ambition to take the narrative, Miss Emily at the end
Chronology - Walton and Victor - framed narrative, Kathy beginning and at the end, retrospective and how her ambition changes
Education - Setting
- Settings - NVLMG begins in an educational institution, all they’ve ever known and is synonymous with family, but limited and mystery to them (creativity - why do we have to be creative) Cottage stimulates a sixth form, actually holding ground, Norfolk is experimental education. F - Formal education for privilege for men, Victor is sent away to achieve the best of it but reject all eminent in favour of outside thinking - within the formal setting of uni, he holes himself in his room, mirrored in scotland, for the creature
Education - Structure
Structure - NVLMG - 3 parts, mirrors Kathy’s journey as their purpose becomes clearer - education limited and to being kept clean and compliant, F - palimpsest structure of men seeking own ‘self-learning’ and ultimately at the cost of society and lives of others (pg - death quote) despite their privileges and opportunities to contribute positively
Creature’s story is opposite - no priv but values classics and seeks to put his education to good use initially eg helping the de laceys
Education - Characterisation and the narrative voice
F - Vic and Wal voice of male hubris, Vic is arrogant and throws away chances in favour of self aggrandising - creature only becomes cynical through human mentors but before he self educated still gives credit - humble, respect even for his creator seeks meaning outside of his limited education
NVLMG - retrospective trying to make sense of her broader education, whole novel could be seen as a ‘plea’ to be treated as a human like creature as she learnt to be one - compassion to others and seeks this, even in a lesser extent to the guardians - learning from others behaviour or innate goodness? guardians try to help but mysterious of higher authoritarian power (society?)
Genres/context (you would finish an essay with this)
F - Prometheus bound to end going beyond formal education to hubris. Morality tale. Gothic horror - education cannot win over corruption
NVLMG - Sci fi realism warning to society, education is primary to functioning societies so novel itself acts as a form of education to the readers (like Fin a broad sense) Education within novel is narrow, limited, dysfunctional for clones and humans (carers cannot think or act for themselves) opposite to F in that sense but results still chilling
Physical -
Mental -
Through women, creatures of science, education
Natural world
Settings, society’s view on what it is, development of someone in the natural world
Hope for love, hope for a better future, hope for knowledge
Golden formula
On the creatures of science, relationships, women, knowledge/education, ambition, loss
Connections (6)
Vulnerability of a character against a powerful force – literal nature - ‘wind’ being chaos and disorder, lack of senses, ‘half-truths’, darkness motif, both in nature yet seen as unnatural
Rejection of both characters by a surrogate parent figure, relinquish hope
Both characters reject any more connections with wider society – Tommy embraces identity of a donor, the creature seeks revenge
Sense of civilization (village/cottage) visible but inaccessible
Marginalization and mistreatment from society
Telling of a story, awareness of reader – NVLMG, direct address, naive adoption of discourse, letters in F – each story has a purpose in it’s telling – makes it easy to manipulate
Contemporary debate about the ethics of cloning and stem cell research v overreaching ambition
NVLMG – Morningdale scandal and superior class of humanity, F – usurping God and women – Creature is built from nothing and corrupted, violates nature, tortured by guilt, oversteps ethically by playing God
Old v new world
– NLMVG – old world is compassionate, new world is science, blurred lines of humanity (chapt 20) ancient v modern science – told and not told, rejection of modern science determines Victor’s fate
Moment of the clone’s realization of their differences
(Madame metaphorical mirror, subhuman, ‘spider’, ‘something else, something troubling and strange’ v Moment of creature’s realization of appearance in pool
Simple connections pt 2 (6)
Light v Dark – light (bloom of health), revitalization - dark (illness, thin, pale), Victor’s creation and God’s creation
The role of nurture – without it, the creature is monstrous, the attempts to prove the soul of the clones, educated humanity
Alienated/marginalized creation has a voice
Metaphorical/emotional/spiritual restrictions (formed by the institutions) - NVLMG – big glass front, chink, clones little attempt to escape fate by deferrals, the wall of the De Lacey family
Rejection of the clones who relinquish their lives for the sake of their creators v rejection of the creature, who, regardless, grieves his creator’s death - ‘Oh Frankenstein! Generous and self-devoted being!)
Defining the clones as the ‘other’ fixing a boundary, between human and creation v defining the creature as the ‘other’ - creature’s labels
Nature is not like itself
transitory, more personification, forms this opposition, morning is dismal and wet – reality sinks in as the rest of society awakens, confronted with the Church of Ingolstadt – white, purity
gothic function – comprising of letters or found documents for a range of multitudinal perspectives