Congenital anomalies Flashcards
Which embryonic cartilage is associated with 1st branchial arch?
Quadrate, Meckels
Which branchial arch is associated with Reichert’s cartilage?
What ossicles derive from 2nd branchial arch?
Stapes suprastructure
What ossicles derive from the 1st branchial arch?
Incus, Malleus
What nerve is associated with 1st branchial arch?
Mandibular devision of trigeminal nerve
What nerve is associated with the second branchial arch?
Glossopharyngeal nerve is associated with which branchial arch?
What cartilages derive from the fourth branchial arch?
Thyroid, cornicular, cuneiform
The arytenoid cartilages derive from which arch?
What nerve is associated with the 4th branchial arch?
Pharyngeal branch of vagus
What arch is the recurrent laryngeal nerve associated with?
Muscles associated with 1st branchial arch
tensor tympani, muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor veli palatini
Muscles associated with 2nd branchial arch
stylohyoid, facial muscles, buccinator, platysma, posterior belly of digastric
What arch is stylopharyngeus derived from?
3rd branchial arch
What arch are the intrinsic laryngeal muscles derived from?
What muscles associated with the 4th branchial arch
Pharyngeal and extrinsic laryngeal muscles, levator veli palatini
Which embryological precursor gives rise to the thyroid parafollicular cells
Ultimobranchial body of the 4th branchial pouch
What is kasabach-Merritt phenomenon
Profound thrombocytopenia associated with vascular tumors
What is Melkersson Rosenthal syndrome?
Episodes of recurrent facial edema with facial paresis and accompanied by angular cheilitis and fissured tongue
By what age will most hemangiomas reach 80% of their final size?
By 5 months of age
What is the most common acquired or congenital type of facial paralysis
Congenital unilateral lower lip palsy
What percentage of congenital vocal cord paralysis is bilateral
What syndrome is COL2A1 associated with
Stickler syndrome
What syndromes are associate with microtia
CHARGE, Crouzon’s, Goldenhar’s, hemifacial
microsomia, Pierre Robin sequence, Treacher Collins, VATER
What are you thinking when you see mixed hearing loss in a male
X linked stapes gusher, have an enlarged IAC with an abnormal connection between perilymph and subarachnoid space, don’t repair these, always bilateral
How many gene loci have been identified associated with otosclerosis?
7, autosomal dominant
What pharyngeal pouch is the ultimobranchial body derived from?
Where are the parafollicular c cells located within the thyroid gland
middle to upper third of the lateral lobes
Is choanal atresia more common in males or females?
females 2:1