Congenital Anomalies Flashcards
What is the reason behind UNILATERAL CLEFT LIP?
failure of fusion of frontonasal & right OR left maxillary processes
What is the cause behind BILATERAL cleft lip?
failure of fusion of frontonasal & BOTH maxillary processes
What is the reason behind cleft PALATE?
failure of fusion of both maxillary processes
What type of congenital abnormality of orofacial structures has the highest incidence rate?
cleft lip & palate
What is the etiology of cleft abnormalities?
- familial
- protein & vitamin deficiency
- chromosomal
What is the classification of cleft lip & palate?
- cleft lip alone
- cleft of primary palate (infront of incisive foramen)
- cleft of secondary palate (behind incisive foramen hard & soft palate)
- cleft of both primary & secondary palates
- cleft lip & cleft palate
What are the types of cleft of primary palate?
COMPLETE: absence of pre-maxilla
INCOMPLETE: unilateral, bilateral, or median
What are the types of cleft of secondary palate?
COMPLETE: nasal septum & vomer are separated from palatine process
INCOMPLETE: nasal septum is fused with one side
What are the classifications of cleft lip?
INCOMPLETE -> doesn’t extend into nose
COMPLETE -> extends into nasal floor
SIMPLE -> only cleft in lip
COMPOUND -> cleft lip with cleft of alveolus
What is the primary management of cleft lip/palate?
- antenatal diagnosis
- feeding
- airway
- timing
- TTT of cleft lip
- TTT of cleft palate
What is the secondary management for cleft lip/palate?
- hearing problems
- speech problems
- dental problems
- SECONDARY SURGERIES for lip & nasal deformities
What are the timings of primary procedures for cleft lip alone?
Unilateral OR bilateral -> one operation at 6 MONTHS
what are the timings of primary procedures for cleft palate alone?
SOFT PALATE ONLY -> one surgery at 6 months
SOFT & HARD PALATE -> 2 surgeries (soft at 6 months & hard at 15-18 months)
What are the timings of primary procedures for cleft lip & palate?
Unilateral OR bilateral -> 2 operations
- cleft lip & soft palate at 6 MONTHS
- hard palate & gum at 15-18 MONTHS
How is the palate reconstructed?
What is the most common congenital anomaly of the urethra?
What are the characteristic features of hypospedias?
- external meatus opens on underside of penis or perineum
- ventral aspect of prepuce is poorly developed (HOODED)
- deformity of erect penis due to CHORDEE instead of urethra
What is the most common type of hypospadias?
- ectopic meatus is on glans penis
Meatus placed on underside of the glans & the body of penis will result in which type of hypospadias?
meatus opens on underside of penile SHAFT will result in?
What type of hypospedias makes it difficult to determine sex of child?
- most severe
What is the aim of treatment of hypospadias and when is it best performed?
- improve sexual function
- correct problems wit urinary system
- cosmetic reasons
What is the procedure of treatment of hypospadias?
- removal of the chordee
- urethral reconstruction using the foreskin