conflict in euripe Flashcards
Italyy invaded abyssinia to expand its empire
League of nations failed to take effective action
policy adopted by Britain and France in the 1930s to avoid war with germany
the policy was based on the belief that Hitler’s demands were reasonable
Spanish civil war
conflict between the republicans and nationalists led by Franco
Nazi Soviet pact
Agreement between germnany and soviet union to remain neutral if either was attacked by a third party
pact shocked the world
aims and strategy of German foreign policy
- lebensraum - expand eastward to provide space for the Germans
- overturn the treaty of Versailles - reclaim lost territories and restore German pride
- rearmament - rebuilding the German military
- diplomatic alliances - forming pacts with Italy and Japan
German advances POLAND
blitzkrieg tactics led to the rapid fall of Poland within weeks
German advances LOW COUNTRIES
Germany invaded Belgium the netherlands and Luxembourg as part of their strategy
German advances FRANCE
Germany bypassed the Maginot line leading to the fall of France within 6 weeks
battle of britian
Germany’s Luftwaffe launched an air campaign to gain air superiorirty in prep for invasion of britian
The blitz
Germnay bombed British cities aiming to break civillian morale.
despite significant destruction, British morale remained resilient and the blitz failed
operation barbarossa
Germanys invasion of the Soviet union breaking the Nazi Soviet pact
initial German advances were successful but the campaign stalled as winter se
battle of Stalin grad
turning point in the war on the eastern fron .
battle of el alamein
a dexicisve allied victory in the north african under gerneral montogomery
Social and Economic Effects of the War on Civilians in BRITIAN
ratoning, evcuation of children and bombing
Social and Economic Effects of the War on Civilians in GERMNAY
total war economy all resources directed to the war
allied bombing campaigns caused wide spread destruction adn hardship
Social and Economic Effects of the War on Civilians in soviet union
massive civillian casulaties particularly during the seige of lenin grad
genocide of 6 mil jews and other minorities
D day
allied invasion of normandy
operation bagration
a massive soviet offensive that destoryed much of the german army coup centre