Conflict avoidance, management and dispute resolution procedures Flashcards
What procedures can you adopt to avoid disputes?
1) Clear contract documents and terms of engagement
2) Effective communication procedures between all parties
3) Accurate record keeping
4) Issuing written correspondence to confirm actions and decision taken
5) Follow company and contractual procedures
6) Follow RICS standards and professional guidance statements
What are the types of conflict?
1) Party conflicts
2) Own interest conflicts
3) Confidential information conflicts
What is a party conflict?
When an RICS member is acting for both sides in the same or related professional assignment.
What is an own interest conflict?
RICS member acting for a client with personal interests in the assignment.
What is a confidential information conflict?
RICS member needing to provide info to the client that is confidential info to another client
What is the RICS guidance in this area?
RICS Global Conflicts of Interest Professional Statement (2017)
What is informed consent?
Consent willingly given in writing by a party who may be affected by conflict of interest stating that they understand the conflict and agree to continue the instruction with the conflict in place.
What is important when deciding to continue with an instruction when a conflict is present and informed consent obtained?
Ensuring that I am still competent and can act independently and still provide diligent advice.
Every RICS member must do what with regards to conflicts?
1) Identify and manage conflict of interest in accordance with the professional statement.
2) Keep records of decision made in relation to continuing with the instruction and information regarding informed consent and information barriers.
How should a conflict be handled?
1) Decide whether the conflict compromises your advice and should be avoided or if it can be managed.
2) Obtain written advice from both parties if decide to go ahead i.e. informed consent.
3) Manage conflict though setting up information barrier and keep record of management.
What is the RICS UK conflict document?
RICS Conflicts of Interest UK Commercial Property Market Investment Agency Professional Statement
What are the three types of agency conflicts in the UK professional statement?
- Dual agency
- Multiple introductions
- Incremental advice
What is dual agency?
Where agent has a contractual relationship with the buyer and seller.
What is multiple introductions?
Acting for multiple buyers who have interest in similar properties.
What is incremental advice?
Where agent is acting for seller on a disposal and they are approached by the buyer for a valuation.