Confidentiality and privacy ( Topic 5) Flashcards
Trust services Framework
• Access to the system and its data is controlled and restricted to legitimate users.
• Sensitive organisational information (e.g. marketing plans, trade secrets) is protected from unauthorised disclosure.
• Personal information about customers is collected, used, disclosed, and maintained only in compliance with internal policies and external regulatory requirements and is protected from unauthorised disclosure.
Processing Integrity
• Data are processed accurately, completely, in a timely manner, and only with proper authorisation.
• A system and its information are available to meet operational and contractual obligations.
Confidentiality of Intellectual Property (IP)
What to protect?
• Strategic plans • Trade secrets • Cost information • Legal documents • Process improvements • All need to be secured - As they can all be sources of competitive advantage
Data masking ( Tokenization)
To protect privacy organizations run data masking programs that replace such personal information with fake values before sending that data to the program development and testing system.
The fake data are called tokens; hence data masking is often referred to as tokenization.
Steps in Securing IP( intellectual property)
- Identify and classify ( classify - what is the impact if lost)
- Encryptions - Process of obscuring information to make it unreadable without special knowledge, access or key
- Controlling Access - Information rights management
- Training employees of what can /can’t be read, accessed, copied , deleted , downloaded
Privacy Concerns
Deals with protecting customer information
1. Spam-unsolicited e-mail that contains either advertising or offensive content.
2. Identity theft-assuming someone’s identity, usually for financial gain.
Companies have access to and thus must control customer’s personal information.
CAN-SPAM’s guidelines or risk sanctions. Key provisions include the following:
● The sender’s identity clearly displayed in the header of the message.
● The subject field clearly identify the message as an advertisement or solicitation.
● The body of the message provide recipients with a working link that can be used to opt out of future e-mail.
● The body of the message must include the sender’s valid postal address
● Organizations should not send commercial e-mail to randomly generated addresses, nor should they set up websites designed to “harvest” e-mail addresses of potential customers
How to preserve the confidentiality of sensitive information
(1) identify and classify the information to be protected,
(2) encrypt the information,
(3) control access to the information, and
(4) train employees to properly handle the information.
How to preserve the confidentiality of sensitive information
- Identify and classify information
- identify where such information resides and who has access to it
- this inventory process can be time consuming and costly
- the next step is to classify the information in terms of its value to the organization
How to preserve the confidentiality of sensitive information
- Protecting confidentiality ( Encryption)
Encription It is the only way to protect information in transit over the Internet.
- Also a necessary part of defense-in-depth to protect information stored on websites or in a public cloud
- Encryption only protects information while it is stored or being transmitted, not during processing, Thus, the employees (such as the Database Administrator and data analysts) who run the programs that use sensitive information can potentially view confi- dential information
Controlling access to sentsitive information
information rights management (IRM) - Software that offers the capability not only to limit access to specific files or documents but also to specify the actions
-Some IRM software even has the ca-pability to limit access privileges to a specific period of time and to remotely erase protected files.
Data loss prevention (DLP) software, which works like antivirus programs in reverse, blocking outgoing messages (whether e-mail, IM, or other means) that contain key words or phrases associated with the intellectual property or other sensitive data the organization wants to protect. DLP software is a preventive control. – accesses outbound traffic
-can and should be supplemented by embedding code called a digital watermark
Access controls designed to protect confidentiality must be continuously reviewed and modified to respond to new threats created by technological advances
Virtualization and cloud computing also affect the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive or confidential information ( highly sensitive and confidential data probably should not be stored in a public cloud because of lack of control over where that information is actually stored and because of the risk of unauthorized access)
Digital watermark
The digital watermark is a detective control that enables an organization to identify confidential information that has been disclosed, disclosure of sensitive information.
When an organization discovers documents containing its digital watermark on the Internet, it has evidence that the preventive controls designed to protect its sensitive information have failed.
Should then investigate how the compromise occurred and take appropriate corrective action
How to preserve the confidentiality of sensitive information
- Training
Training is arguably the most important control for protecting confidentiality.
Employees need to know what information they can share with outsiders and what information needs to be protected
Privacy Regulatory Acts
Spam Act 2003 (Cth) Cybercrime Act 2001
Criminal Code Amendment (Theft, Fraud, Bribery & Related Offences) Act 2000
Generally Accepted Privacy Principles
-Choice and consent
-Use, retention, and disposal
-Disclosure to third parties
Generally Accepted Privacy Principles
- Management
• Procedures and policies with assigned responsibility and accountability
Generally Accepted Privacy Principles
- Notice
• Provide notice of privacy policies and practices prior to collecting data
Generally Accepted Privacy Principles
- Choice and consent
• Opt-in versus opt-out approaches
- Organizations should explain the choices available to individuals and obtain their consent prior to the collection and use of their personal information
Generally Accepted Privacy Principles
- Collection
• Only collect needed information
One particular issue of concern is the use of cookies on websites
text file created by a website and stored on a visitor’s hard disk. Cookies store information about what the user has done on the site
Generally Accepted Privacy Principles
-Use, retention, and disposal
• Use information only for stated business purpose. When no longer useful, dispose in a secure manner.
Generally accepted privacy principles
- Access
• Customer should be able to review, correct, or delete information collected on them
Generally Accepted Privacy Principles
-Disclosure to third parties
Organizations should disclose their customers’ personal in- formation to third parties only in the situations and manners described in the organization’s privacy policies and only to third parties who provide the same level of privacy protection as does the organization that initially collected the information
Generally Accepted Privacy Principles
• Protect from loss or unauthorized access
Achieving an acceptable level of infor- mation security is not sufficient to protect privacy. It is also necessary to train employees to avoid practices that can result in the unintentional or inadvertent breach of privacy
Generally Accepted Privacy Principles
- Organizations should maintain the integrity of their customers’ personal in- formation and employ procedures to ensure that it is reasonably accurate
the process of transforming normal text, called plaintext, into unreadable gibberish, called ciphertext.
- Preventive control
- Decryption reverses this process
- normal text that has not been encrypted
- Plaintext that was transformed into unreadable gibberish using encryption.
- transforming ciphertext back into plaintext
Three important factors determine the strength of any encryption system:
(1) key length - Longer keys provide stronger encryption by reducing the number of repeating blocks in the ciphertext
(2) encryption algorithm, and - A strong algorithm is difficult, if not impossible, to break by using brute-force guessing techniques.
(3) policies for managing the cryptographic keys.
- not storing cryptographic keys in a browser or any other file that other users of that system can readily access and
- using a strong (and long) passphrase to protect the keys.
Types of Encryption
symmetric encryption systems
Encryption systems that use the same key both to encrypt and to decrypt.
• Pro: fast
• Con: vulnerable
Asymmetric encryption systems
Encryption systems that use two keys (one public, the other private); either key can encrypt, but only the other matching key can decrypt.
- Pro: very secure
- Con: very slow
Public key
one of the keys used in asymmetric encryption systems.
It is widely distributed and available to everyone.
Private key
one of the keys used in asymmetric encryption systems.
It is kept secret and known only to the owner of that pair of public and private keys.
- Hybrid Solution
• Use symmetric for encrypting information.
• Use asymmetric for encrypting symmetric key for decryption.
Key escrow
Encryption alternative is a process called key escrow, which involves making copies of all encryption keys used by employees and storing those copies securely.
Converts information into a ‘hashed’ code of fixed length.
The code can not be converted back to the text.
If any change is made to the information the hash code will change, thus enabling verification of information.
Digital Signatures
digital signature - A hash encrypted with the hash creator’s private key.
Used to create legally binding agreements (two steps to create)
- Document creator uses a hashing algorithm to generate a hash of the original document
- Document creator uses private key to encrypt step 1 above
Result :The encrypted has is a legally binding signature
Digital certificate
- Electronic document that contains an entity’s public key.
- Certifies identity of owner of that particular public key.
- Issued by certificate authority.
- Public key infrastructure (PKI).
certificate authority
An organization that issues public and pri- vate keys and records the public key in a digital certificate.
public key infrastructure (PKI)
The system for issuing pairs of public and private keys and corresponding digital certificates
Virtual Private Network
Using encryption and authentication to securely transfer information over the Internet, thereby creating a “virtual” private network.
Securely transmits encrypted data between sender and receiver
Sender and receiver have the appropriate encryption and decryption keys.
Controls Ensuring Processing Integrity ( Process stages )
- Input
- Processing
- Output
Controls Ensuring Processing Integrity
- Input
Threats and Risks Data is; - Invalid -unauthorised - incomplete -inaccurate
Form Design
Authorisation and segregation of duties
Visual scanning
Data entry controls
Cancellation and storage of source documents.
Cancellation and storage of source documents.
Source documents that have been entered into the system should be canceled so they cannot be inadvertently or fraudulently reentered into the system
-Form design
Form Design - Source documents and other forms should be designed to minimize the chances for errors and omissions.
Two particularly important forms design controls
1. All forms should be sequentially numbered. Prenumbering improves con- trol by making it possible to verify that no documents are missing
2. Use of turnaround documents
A turnaround document is a record of company data sent to an external party and then returned by the external party for subsequent input to the system
Data Entry Controls
Source documents should be scanned for reasonableness and pro- priety before being entered into the system. However, this manual control must be supple- mented with automated data entry controls, such as the following:
Field check
- An edit check that tests whether the characters in a field are of the correct field type (e.g., numeric data in numeric fields).
- Characters proper type? Text, integer, date, and so on
• Sign check
- An edit check that verifies that the data in a field have the appropriate arithmetic sign
- Proper arithmetic sign?
• Limit check
- An edit check that tests a numerical amount against a fixed value.
- Input checked against fixed value?
(hrs works wk=40hrs)
• Range check
- An edit check that tests whether a data item falls within predetermined up- per and lower limits.
- Input within low and high range value?
• Size check
- An edit check that ensures the input data will fit into the assigned field.
- Input fit within field? (input includes more digits that
field can accept)
• Completeness check
- An edit check that verifies that all data required have been entered.
- Have all required data been entered?
Validity check
- An edit test that compares the ID code or account number in transaction data with similar data in the master file to verify that the account exists
- Input compared with master data to confirm existence (e.g. not every 16 digit number is a valid cc number)
Reasonableness check
An edit check of the logical correctness of relationships among data items.
- Logical comparisons (seasonal claims)
- Input requested by system
Close-loop verification
- Uses input data to retrieve and display related data
Check digit verification
Computed from input value to catch typo errors (e.g. 7digit ID)
Batch Input Controls
- Batch Processing
- Batch Totals
Batch Input Controls
- Batch Processing
• Input multiple source documents at once in a group (e.g. processes trading day transactions together).
A sequence check tests whether a transaction file is in the proper numerical or alpha- betical sequence.
Batch Input Controls
-Batch Totals
• Compare input totals to output totals.
- Financial Sums a field that contains monetary values. ( paid to all employees)
- Hash Sums a non-financial numeric field. (e.g. total of employee IDs)
- Record count The number of records in a batch.
Error in output and stored data
- Data matching
- File labels
- Batch Total Recalculation
- Cross-footing and zero balance tests
- Write-protection
- Concurrent update
Processing controls
- Data Matching
- File labels
Data matching
• Multiple data values must match before processing occurs (e.g. vendor info on invoice matches info in P/O and goods received report)
File Labels
• Ensure correct and most current file is being updated.
Two important types of internal labels are header and trailer records.
- The header record is located at the beginning of each file and contains the file name, expiration date, and other identification data.
- The trailer record is located at the end of the file; in transaction files it contains the batch totals calculated during input. Programs should be designed to read the header record prior to processing
Processing controls
- Batch Total Recalculation
- Cross-footing and zero balance tests
Batch Total Recalculation
• Compare calculated batch total after processing to input totals (e.g. if computed record count > invoice count then illegal transactions entered???; if batch total difference divisible by 9 then transposition error may have occurred)
- Conversely, if the recomputed record count is larger than the original, either additional unauthorized transactions were processed, or some transaction records were processed twice. If a financial or hash total discrepancy is evenly divisible by 9, the likely cause is a transposition error
Cross-footing and zero balance tests
• Compute totals using multiple methods to ensure the same results.
A cross-footing balance test compares the results produced by each method to verify accuracy.
A zero-balance test applies this same logic to verify the ac- curacy of processing that involves control accounts.
Processing controls
- Write protection
- Concurrent update
• Eliminate possibility of overwriting or erasing existing data (change product prices in database).
Concurrent update
• Locking records or fields when they are being updated so multiple users are not updating at the same time. (e.g. simultaneous access to same credit card account).
Threats/ Risks
- Use of inaccurate or incomplete reports
- unauthorised disclosure of sensitive information
- Loss, alteration or disclosure of information in transit
- Reviews and reconciliation
- encryption and access controls
- Parity checks
- Message acknowlegement techniques
OutPut controls
User Review of output
• Verify reasonableness, completeness and routed to intended individual.
Reconciliation procedures
Periodically, all transactions and other system updates should be reconciled to control reports, file status/update reports, or other control mechanisms
(e.g. balance of inventory control account must equal sum of item balances in inventory database)
External Data Reconciliation
Database totals should periodically be reconciled with data maintained outside the system.
Data Transmission Controls
• Check sums (digest)
- Hash of file transmitted, comparison made of hash before and after transmission.
• Parity checking
- Bit added to each character transmitted, the characters can then be verified for accuracy.
parity bit
An extra bit added to every character; used to check transmission accuracy.
- Key objectives
- Minimize risk of system downtime
2. Quick and complete recovery and resumption of normal operations
Minimize risk of system downtime ( controls )
Preventive Maintenance
• Cleaning (junk files), proper storage (e.g. dry place) of disk drives
Fault Tolerance
• Ability of a system to continue if a part fails (modular design).
Data Centre Location
• Minimise risk of natural and human created disasters (raised floors; fire detection; surge protection).
• Less likely to make mistakes and will know how to recover, with minimal damage, from errors they do commit.
Patch Management
• Install, run and keep current antivirus and anti-spyware programs.
Recovery and resumption of normal operations ( controls )
- Back up procedures
- Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
- Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
Recovery ( Back up )
Data Back-up procedures
• Incremental
- Copy only data that changed from last partial backup. involves copying only the data items that have changed since the last partial backup. This produces a set of incremental backup files, each containing the results of one day’s transactions
• Differential
- Copy only data that changed from last full backup. Copies all changes made since the last full backup. Thus, each new differential backup file contains the cumulative effects of all activity since the last full backup. Consequently, except for the first day following a full backup, daily differen- tial backups take longer than incremental backups
Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
How to resume not only IT operations but all business processes.
- Relocating to new offices - Hiring temporary replacements
Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
Procedures to restore an organisation’s IT function in the event that its data centre is destroyed.
• Cold Site - less popular due to the cloud
- An empty building that is prewired for necessary telephone and internet access, plus a contract with one or more vendors to provide all necessary equipment within a specified period of time.
• Hot Site
- A facility that is not only prewired for telephone and internet access but also contains all the computing and office equipment the organisation needs to perform its essential business activities.
• Second Data Centre ( real-time mirroring)
- Used for backup and site mirroring - The third op- tion is real-time mirroring, which involves maintaining two copies of the database at two separate data centers at all times and updating both databases in real-time as each transaction occurs.