AIS development strategies ( topic 9) Flashcards
Ways to Obtain an AIS
Purchase the software - from vendor , often sold to many – less competive advantage
Outsource to an external organization- outsource developing
Develop software in-house – often creates competitive advantage , may not be available in the market
Point Scoring
to evaluate hardware/software/vendor
Purchasing Software
Off the Shelf (OTS) Canned:
• System capabilities for users with similar requirements. Eg – MYOB , not differentiation , need to make your own hardware consideration
Turnkey System:
• Hardware and software sold as a package.- > works best when they don’t have the expertise of making this choice
Application Service Provider (ASP) eg cloud computing:
• Driven by ‘pay-per-use model’; ‘metered’; ‘scalable’; ‘on-demand’. Only pay as you use ;
• Software is provided to user via the Internet.
– SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) (student email at AU is gmail; Citrix)
– IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service), i.e. file-based storage, firewalls (e.g.
Amazon EC2; Windows Azure)
- drop box
– PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), i.e. platform to deploy software, including O/S, DBMS, programming and execution environment, web server (e.g. Google Apps Engine)
Purchasing Process
Select a vendor (from referrals, trade shows, etc.)
Publish a Request for proposal (RFP) that meets your needs
Evaluate proposals
• Short list vendors invited to give demonstrations on how their system will fit your needs
Make a final selection based upon your criteria
Methods that can be used to evaluate proposals
benchmark problem - Comparing systems by executing an input, processing, and output task on different computer systems and evaluating the results.
point scoring - Evaluating the overall merits of vendor proposals by assigning a weight to each evaluation criterion based on its importance.
requirements costing - Comparing systems based on the cost of all required features; when software does not meet all requirements, the cost of developing unavailable features is estimated and added to its cost.
Purchasing process
The best proposals are investigated to verify that company requirements can be met. Using an RFP is important because it:
- Saves time. The same information is provided to all vendors, eliminating repetitive inter- views and questions.
- Simplifies the decision-making process. All responses are in the same format and based on the same information.
- Reduces errors. The chances of overlooking important factors are reduced.
- Avoids potential for disagreement. Both parties possess the same expectations, and pertinent information is captured in writing.
request for proposal (RFP)
A request for vendors to bid on a system to meet a company’s specified needs.
Hardware, software and Vender Evaluation Criteria
( image document )
Outsourcing the system development
Advantage and Disadvantage
- Allows companies to concentrate on core competencies
- Asset utilisation
- Access to greater expertise and better technology
- Lower costs by standardising user applications and splitting development and maintenance costs between projects
- Less development
- Elimination of peaks-and-valleys usage
- Facailitate downsizing
- Inflexibility
- Loss of control
- Reduced competitive advantage
- Locked-in system
- Unfulfilled goals
- Poor service
- Increased risk
In-House System Development
Advantages and risks in-house development
• It can provide a significant competitive advantage.
Risks of in-house development: • Significant amounts of time required. • Complexity of the system. • Poor requirements defined. • Insufficient planning. • Inadequate communication and cooperation. • Lack of qualified staff. • Poor top management support.
Methods to Develop an AIS
Follow the formal System Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
- End User computing - end-user computing (EUC) - the hands-on development, use, and control of computer-based information systems by users.
- Business Process Management (BPM)
- Prototyping
Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Tools
End-User Computing
Advantages and Disadvantages
- Allows for end user to create, control and implement simple systems
- More likely to meet user needs
- saves time
- Frees up system resources
- Easy to use and understand
- Lack of testing of application and possible calculation errors
- Inefficient systems
- Poorly controlled
- Poorly documented
- System incompatibilities
- Duplication of data
- Increase costs in later years with upgrades
help desk - Analysts and technicians who answer employee questions with the purpose of encouraging, supporting, coordinating, and controlling end- user activity.
Business Process Management
Business process reengineering (BPR):
- Drastic, one-time-event approach to improving and automating business processes – clean slate approach, redevelop from scratch, success rate quite low, can not cherry pick what you wanst to keep
- -Low success rate BPR evolved into
Business Process Management (BPM):
– Systematic approach to continuously improving and optimising an organisation’s business processes. – identify problems and apply fixes
Important principles underlying BPM:
Business processes can produce competitive advantages. -> Innovative processes that help business respond to changing consumer, market, and regulatory demands faster than competitors create competitive advantages.
Business processes must be managed end-to-end.-> BPM views business processes as strategic organizational assets that should be understood, managed, and improved. Even if each part of a multifunctional business process functions well independently, the entire process may be suboptimal if there is inadequate communication and coordina- tion among functional units (sales, production, etc.).
Business processes should be agile. -> Organizations must continuously improve and adapt their business processes to compete. This requires flexibility and business process auto- mation technology that supports rapid modifications.
Business processes must be aligned with strategy and needs. -> To be effective and efficient, a company must align its business processes with its business strategy.
Business Process Management Systems (BPMS)
- Automate and facilitate business process improvements. Enable them to take correct action.
- Can improve communication and collaboration, automate activities, and integrate with other systems and partners in value chain.
- Some people claim that BPMS is the bridge between IT and business.
BPMS ( Business process management systems ) v ERP:
o Both enterprise-wide systems that support corporate goals.
o ERP systems are data-centred and BPMS are process-centred.
o Manufactures ERP systems are integrating BPM into their systems.
BPMS - Four Major Components
- A process engine to model and execute applications including business rules.
- Business analytics to help identify and react to business issues, trends and opportunities.
- Collaboration tools to remove communication barriers.
- A content manager to store and secure electronic documents, images and other files.
Internal Control in a BPMS
BPMS uses an organisation’s business process rules to determine the correct person to perform a task and authorises that person to perform it.
Separation of duties can also be improved:
• BPMS reduces delays and costs by instantaneously transferring items needing approval to a manager.
Application controls are also strengthened:
• BPMS uses a proactive process management approach.
Built-in audit trail:
• Allows an auditor to continuously audit business processes while they are active and afterward. – shows the exact history of a transaction
A strategy used to clarify business requirements and seek user feedback on unclear or uncertain new functionality. Don’t use when you are sure of what to do. A base, not whole system. – higher intereaction with users
Prototyping ( adv and disadv)
- Results in well-defined user needs
- Higher user satisfaction and involvement
- Faster development time
- Fewer errors
- Opportunities to suggest changes
- Less costly
- Requires significant user time
- Resource efficiency may not be achieved
- Inadequate testing and documentation
- Negative behavourial reactions
- Continuous development of iteration leaves a feeling of no project completion
Prototyping process
( image document )
operational prototypes
Prototypes that are further developed into fully functional systems
nonoperational (throwaway) prototypes
Prototypes that are discarded, but the system requirements identified from the prototypes are used to develop a new system.
When to use prototyping?
Prototyping is appropriate when there is a high level of uncer- tainty, it is unclear what questions to ask, the AIS cannot be clearly visualized, or there is a high likelihood of failure. Good candidates for prototyping include decision support systems, executive information systems, expert systems, and information retrieval systems.
Prototyping is less appropriate for large or complex systems that serve major organizational components or cross-organizational boundaries or for developing standard AIS components, such as ac- counts receivable or inventory management.
Agile methodologies -
agile development
A guiding philosophy and a set of princi- ples for developing information systems in an unknown, rapidly changing environment.
scrum methodology
A software development methodology where a team works together in an intense but relatively short iterative and incremental scrum process to reach a common development goal, with team members meeting daily in face- to-face communication, until development is concluded.
scrum development
A process that embraces customers fre- quently changing their minds about what they need or want. Scrum development focuses on flexibility, responding to new requirements, adapting to evolving changes in technology, and quickly delivering a system the customer can evaluate.
product owner
The customer who is responsible for making sure the scrum team produces what is needed. they write the user stories and prioritize back- log items so the scrum team knows what to develop next.
user stories
A description of something a user wants to in- clude in the system written by the product owner
product backlog
Items waiting to be developed that are prioritized by the product owner.
scrum team
A small group of up to 9 cross-functional developers that is responsible for developing, testing, and delivering software at the end of a scrum sprint. the team determines a sprint’s major goals and deliverables.
A pre-determined time period where the team works on high priority items in the prod- uct backlog. A sprint’s scope is frozen and desired changes are added to the product backlog. Sprints begin with a planning event to determine goals and de- liverables and ends with a review to see if they were achieved. the incremental software developed is presented to the customer.
scrum master
Scrum facilitator who makes sure scrum practices are followed, promotes self- organization within the team, holds daily team meetings, works with the product owner to make sure the product backlog is prop- erly maintained, and removes any impediments that affect the team’s ability to achieve its goals and produce the sprint’s deliverables
extreme programming (XP)
A software development meth- odology designed to produce higher-quality software more productively by taking the beneficial elements and best practices of traditional software development to “extreme” levels.
Unified Process
The Unified Process is a software development framework with four phases: inception, elaboration, construction, and transition
- A develop- ment framework with four phases: inception, elaboration, construction, and transition. the last three phases are divided into a series of iterations of a predetermined length. Each incremental iteration contains additional functions or an im- proved version of the previously developed software.
Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
Software to help plan, analyse, design, program and maintain an information system. • Strategic planning • Project and system management • Database design • Screen and report layout • Automatic code generation
CASE – Advantages and Disadvantages
- Improved productivity
- Improved program quality
- Cost savings
- Improved control procedures
- Simplified documentation
- Incompatibility with other systems
- Unmet expectations