Conduct Disorders Flashcards
What are the four characterizations of conduct disorder?
- aggression to people and animals
- destruction of property
- deceitfulness or theft
- serious violations of the rules
After age 18, people with conduct disorder often progress to what diagnosis
antisocial personality disorder, which is slightly worse
What are the two “types” of conuct disorder?
it’s based on onset, so childhood onset type and adolescent onset type
In which gender is CD more common?
What specifier is available for CD in the DSM 5 that is a predictor of a particularly difficult group?
with significant callous/unemotional traits
What are the characteristics of oppositional defiant disorder?
a pattern of negative, hostile and deviant behavior lasting at least 6 months, during which four criteria are present
Describe the typical family setting of someone with ODD or CD?
highly stressed with marital discord, parental psychopathology or SES disadvantage
also with inconcsistent limit setting
What percentage of kids with ODD progress to CD? What percentage progress from CD to ASP?
ODD to CD: 25%
CD to ASP: 24-40%
Are conduct disorders externalizing or internalizing disorders?
Treatment of ODD is largely thorugh who?
through the parents - they’re trained to replace coercive discipline with more effective techniques
What are some tricks for effective parenting with ODD kids?
- provide positive reinforcement
- ignore inappropriate behavior unless serious
- give clear commands (eliminate complexity and competing influences)
- establish token economy
- use time outs - gradually extend then to noncompliance in public
What is the time-intensive, but effective treatment for CD?
multisystemic family hterapy - a home based model available 24 hr/day with daily contact
2 or 3 of what 4 criteria (present for 12 months) are required for SUD in adolescents?
- recurrent substance use resulting in failutre to fulfill role obligations
- recurrent substance use in situations in which it is physically hazardous
- recurrent substance related legal problems
- continued use despite persistent prolems caused by the effects of the substance
what neuroanatomical correlate can explain adolescents’ impulsivity and novelty seeking (aka drug experimentation)?
delayed maturation of the prefrontal cortex
Describe the diathesis-stress model?
diathesis is the predisposing biology (like genetic factors) and stress is the environmental factors - it’s the combination of the predisoposition and the stress exceeding a threhold that causes the development of a disorder
What questionnaire is used to determine ESU in adolescents?
the CRAFFT questionnaire - ridden in a Car, used to Relax, used when Alone, Family tell you to stop, Forget things when under, gotten into Trouble when…