Conditional expectation Flashcards
Loss function
▪ Definition
Consider two random variables, X and Y.
▪ X is Rⁿ-value
▪ Y is real valued
The idea is that X is observable and Y has to be “predicted” on the basis of X
We consider the following
“Best prediction problem”
find a function
Ϥ: Rⁿ –> R
such that the “loss function” is minimized
L(Ϥ) = E[(Y-Ϥ(X))²] –> least squared
loss function
Conditional density
▪ Definition
We assume (X,Y) is a discrete random vector, with joint density pₓ,y
p y|x (y|x) = P(Y=y|X=x)
p y|x (y|x) = (P(Y=y|X=x)) / P(X=x)
p y|x (y|x) = pₓ,y (x,y) / pₓ(x)
Conditional expectation
▪ Definition
We define the conditional expectation of Y given X=x as follows
E(Y|X=x) = Σ y py|ₓ (y|x)
More generally
E(g(x,y)|X=x) = Σ g(x, y) py|ₓ (y|x)
Conditional expectation
▪ Properties
1) E[aY+bZ|X=x] = aE(Y|X=x) + bE(Z|X=x)
2) E[f(x)|X=x] = f(x)
3) E[f(x)Y|X=x] = f(x) * E[Y|X=x]
4) E[ E(Y|X) ] = E(Y)
Conditional expectation
▪ Theorem
The function Ϥ(x) = E(Y|X=x) solves the best prediction problem
In other words, for any
L(g) ⩾ L(Ϥ)