Condition of RCC c.1500-17: Doctrine Flashcards
What were Heaven and Hell?
Heaven was seen as being reunited with God and Hell was eternal separation from God - excommunication, the worst possible punishment
What was purgatory?
The realm where souls went to atone for their sins after death
Officially indoctrinated in 1214, though had been practiced and accepted theology long before - popularised by Black Death 1346-53 as people were dying before final confession
Dante on purgatory:
‘perpetually chased and stung by bees’ - closer to Hell than Heaven
What were indulgences?
First established by Urban II in 1099 for the First Crusade -based on the belief that a wrong action could be repaid by the pope conferring Christ’s grace on you
How were indulgences commercialised?
People began to pay the clergy to reduce time spent in purgatory
Cult of the Saints (people known to be in heaven) developed as they supposedly had the power to reduce time in purgatory too - led to collections of remains and relics and pilgrimages e.g. Frederick the Wise’s collection was valued at taking off 1,900,000 years
What was the Cult of the Dead?
Obsession with eventual destruction of one’s soul and reducing time spent in purgatory for oneself or loved ones
Rich would finance stained glass windows, altar decorations, priests to include them in prayers all to speed their journey in purgatory
What did the Seven Sacraments purport to do?
Method of conferring God’s grace to enable entrance into Heaven
Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Confession, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders and Matrimony
All necessitated a member of the clergy, making the church intrinsic to obtaining Salvation
Induction into RCC, absolution of ‘original sin’ - stillborns went to limbo
Method of getting closer to God, mirroring Last Supper - initiated by Christ
Bread and wine undergo transubstantiation, cannot be consumed in a state of sin
Effectively baptism at adolescence with vows made on ones own behalf - administered by a bishop
Priest absolves person of venal sins (accidental) through prayer and instruction
Cardinal sins (intentional) cannot be absolved
Extreme Unction:
Blessing before death, with last Eucharist, anointed with Holy Oil and preparation for judgement
Holy Orders:
Initiation into priesthood - requires vows of chastity, poverty and obedience
Administered by a bishop