concordancia y comparacion de adjetivos - complimenting adjective rules Flashcards
Adjectives agree in gender and number with the persons or things they describe.
Masculine adjectives usually end in -o
una estatua moderna
feminine adjectives usually end in -a
un cuadro moderno
Adjectives that end in -e or in a consonant may be either feminine or masculine
interesante - ends in e - un cuadro interesante - an interesting painting
gris - ends in a consonant - una statua gris - a grey statue
Adjectives that end in -ista may be either masculine or feminine
un dibujo realista - a realistic drawing
una pintora surrealista - a surrealistic painting
To form the feminine form of adjectives that end in -or, add -a at the end
A hardworking student
masculine: un nino trabajador
feminine: una nina trabajadora
If an adjective describes a combination of masculine and feminine nouns, the masculine plural ending is used.
cuadro is masculine - estatua is feminine
Ese cuadro y esa estatua no son feos
That painting and that statue are not ugly.
Feminine: Esa estatua no es feia.
To express a comparison of similarity, use tan + adjective + como
El cuadro de Picasso es tan bonito como el quadro de Velzaquez.
The painting by Picasso is as lovely as the painting by Velzaquez.
To express a comparison of difference, use mas (with an accent over the a) or menos + the adjective + que
El cuadro de Picasso me parece mas interesante que el de Velazquez.
The painting by Picasso seems to me more interesting than that of Velazquez.
El cuadro de Picasso me parece menos interesante que el de Velazquez.
The painting by Picasso seems to me less interesting than that of Velazquez.
The adjectives bueno / buena; malo / mala; viejo / vieja; and joven are irregular and do not use the words mas and menos.
bueno(a) becomes mejor (que). [ better instead of good]
La comida de Jane es mejor que la comida de Sally.
Jane’s food is better than Sally’s food.
bad - malo(a) becomes peor (que). [worse instead of bad]
La comida de Jane es peor que la comida de Sally.
Jane’s food is worse than Sally’s food.
viejo(a) becomes mayor (que) [older instead of old]
Jane es mayor que Sally.
Jane is older than Sally.
joven becomes menor (que) [younger instead of young]
Jane es menor que Sally.
Jane is younger than Sally