conceptual integration Flashcards
simplex networks
-the relevant part of the frame in one input is projected with its roles and the elem are projected from the other input as values of those roles within the blend
-no clash between the inputs such as competing frames or incompatible counterpart elem (no organising frame that
competes with the organizing frame provided by the other input)
-compositional: all relevant info from both inputs is brought into the blend
-truth-conditional: the sentence is true in a world if the blend fits the current state of the world
-role compressions
mirror network
=integration network in
which all spaces-inputs,
generic, and blend-share an organizing frame
-in the blend, the common organizing frame of the network inheres in a yet richer frame that only the blend has
-no clashes between the inputs at the level of organizing frame, because the frames are the same
-perform compressions
over the vital relations of Time, Space,
Identity, Role, Cause-Effect, Change,
Intentionality, and Representation
single-scope network
- two input spaces with different organizing frames, one of which is projected to organize the blend
-organizing frame of the blend is an extension of the organizing frame of one of the inputs but not the other
-prototype of highly
conventional source-target metaphors
-conceptual clash, since the inputs have different frames
-global insight, because the highly compressed blend remains actively connected to the entire network
double scope networks
-has inputs with different (and often
clashing) organizing frames as well as an organizing frame for
the blend that includes parts of each of those frames and has
emergent structure of its own
-both organizing
frames make central contributions to the blend, and their sharp
differences offer the possibility of rich clashes