Concepts CH 19 Flashcards
Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position reports
Total Additions
Total Deductions
Change in Net Position
Agency Fund
Does not have net position Assets = Liabilities
Bond anticipation notes that don’t meet both requirements for Gen LT obligation are reported in
Governmental Fund - in which proceeds are recorded
Government-wide F/S stmt of net position
Assets and Liabilities of Proprietary Funds (including capital leases)
Are reported and accounted for in that fund on accrual basis
Non-Current Liabilities of governmental funds should be reported in
Government-wide statements of net position only in governmental activities column
Preparation of Government-wide F/S require
certain interfund activity and fund balances be eliminated or reclassified. These amounts are eliminated from business-type and governmental columns of the statement of net position. Exceptions are residual amounts due between the two types of activities.
Unrestricted net position of government-wide statement of of net position includes
Net investment of capital assets
Restricted net position
unrestricted net postion (may include internally committed or assigned but not reported in F/S)
Net Investment in Capital assets in government-wide statement of net position include
Capital asset net of depreciation, reduced by outstanding debt
Significant transactions or other events that are either unusual or infrequent but not within management control
should be disclosed in the notes to government wide statement of activities
Government-wide statement of activities reports
Net(expense) revenue for each function equal to expenses minus program revenues
The minimum level of detail for activities are by function and different identifiable activities
Fiduciary Fund Payable/Receivable Reclass
Receivables/Payable from Fiduciary funds are reclassed as rec/pay to external parties because fid funds report only balances held for individual, private org, and other governments
General LT Liabilities may include
Capital and Operation Leases Compensated Absences Claims and judgements pension Termination Benefits Landfill Closure & post closure care Other commitments that are not current liabilities recorded in governmental funds
Government-wide separately stated at bottom of statement of activities
Contribution endowments
Contribution to permanent fund principal
Transfers between business-type and governmental activities
Special and Extraordinary items
Extraordinary items
unusual in nature and infrequent in occurence
Special items
Unusual or infrequent but not both
Within Control of management
Liabilities due in current period
Are reported in governmental fund financial statements therefore not a reconciling item
Included in government-wide statement of net position governmental activites if not financed through enterprise funds
General obligation bonds
Compensated absences
Salaries payable
Fiduciary Fund type that may be expendable or nonexpendable
Private-purpose trust fund
Expendable - use of principal
Non-expendable - income used only