Computing-related legislation Flashcards
Legal, moral, cultural and ethical issues
What is the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998
Sets out the requirements for the collection, processing and storage of data about individuals
What are the eight printables covered in the Data Protection Act 1998
- Data should be processed fairly and lawfully
- data should be only used for the purpose specified (should not be disclosed to other parties)
- Data should be relevant and not excessive
- Data should be accurate and kept up to date
- Data should only be kept for as long as necessary
-people have the right to access data kept about them - Security must be set in place to prevent unauthorised access
- Data must not transferred out of the EU
What are the exceptions of the Data Protection Act 1998
- National security and crime
- Taxation: data used to assist with the collection of taxes
- Domestic purposes: any data used solely for the individual, family or household
Outline the GDPR (general data protection regulation) updates to the DPA, 2018
- lawfullness, fairness and transparency
- Purpose limitation
- Data minimisation
- Accuracy
- Storage limitation
- Security
- Accountability
Describe lawfullness, fairness and transparency (DPA,2018)
- Valid reasons for collecting personal data
- Data not used to break other laws
- Personal data used fairly
- The person/ organisation collecting the data must be open and honest
Describe purpose limitation (DPA,2018)
- The purpose for collecting data must be clear from the start
- Purpose must be specified and documented
- Data must not used for a new purpose (if so additional consent must be obtained)
Describe data minimisation (DPA,2018)
- Data being processed must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary
Describe accuracy (DPA,2018)
- Data must not be incorrect or misleading
- Data must be kept up to date
- Incorrect/misleading data must be corrected or erased
Describe storage limitations (DPA,2018)
- Data must not be kept for longer than necessary
- How long data is kept must be specified in a statement
- There must be a periodic review of data held, no longer required data is erased
- Individuals have the right to have data erased
- Data can be kept for longer if it is only kept for public interest archives(i.e. historical research)
Describe security (DPA, 2018)
There must be adequate security measures to protect data held
Describe accountability (DPA,2018)
The data controller, and all staff within the organisation, must take responsibility for how the data is used and for compliance with the other principles
What is The Computer Misuse Act 1990
This makes unauthorised access to computer systems illegal
how does the computer misuse act provide protection to users
Under the provision of the Act the following are criminal offences
- unauthorised access to computer materials (hacking)
- unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate further offences (stealing money)
- unauthorised access with intent to harm or break a computer system (distributing viruses)
Describe the different types of hackers
Black hat hackers - Intent on causing damage (criminal activity/illegal)
White hat hackers - ethical hackers often employed by service holders to seek vulnerabilities so they can be fixed (legal)
Grey hat hackers - seek out vulnerabilities in a system in order to report them to the system owner for a fee. non-payment may lead them to exploit the vulnerability (illegal)
What are the five features used to minimise the threat of hackers
- Digital signatures
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- User IDs, passwords and access rights
- Anti-malware software
- Firewalls