Compounds and Stoichiometry CH4 Flashcards
Two or more reactants forming one product: A + B > C
Combination Reaction
A single reactant breaks down into two or more products, usually as a result of heating, high-frequency radiation, or electrolysis: C > A + B
Decomposition Reaction
A special type of reaction that involves fuel (usually a hydrocarbon) and an oxidant (normally oxygen). In its most common form, these reactants form the two products of carbon dioxide and water: CH4 + 2O2 > CO2 +H2O
Combustion Reaction
When an atom or ion in a compound is replaced by an atom or ion of another element: Cu + AgNO3 > Ag +CuNO3
Single - Displacement Reaction (AKA Oxidation-Reduction Reaction)
Elements from two different compounds swap with each other to form two new compounds: CaCl2 + 2AgNO3 > Ca(NO3)2 + 2AgCl
Double - Displacement Reaction (AKA Metathesis Reaction)
A specific type of double displacement in which an acid reacts with a base to produce a salt (and usually water): HCl + NaOH > NaCl + H2O
Neutralization Reaction
Ferrous Ion
Ferric Ion
Cuprous Ion
Curpic Ion
What are some examples of monoatomic anions that are named by dropping the ending of the element name with the added “ide”?
H- : Hydride
F- : Fluoride
O2- : Oxide
S2-: Sulfide
N3-: Nitride
P3-: Phosphide
Many polyatomic anions contain oxygen and are therefore called oxyanions. When an element forms two oxyanions, the name of the one with less oxygen ends in “-ite” and the one with more oxygen ends in “-ate”. What are some examples?

Solutes that enable solutions to carry currents are called? The electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions is governed by the presence and concentration of ions in the solution.