Components - Platelets/ HLA Flashcards
Recall travel and storage requirements for platelet and granulocyte components
Perform visual inspection of Platelet an Granulocyte Components and labels. Recognize a platelet swirl.
Identify the clinical indication of platelet transfusion. Determine appropriate dosage of aphereseis platelet products and whole blood derived products.
Identify the patient population receiving granulocyte transfusions
Compare Pre-Transfusion testing for red cell components vs platelet components
Recognize the testing techniques performed for HLA type & Platelet Cross match testing
Solve an HLA paternity problem utilizing antigen cross expression logic
What is the normal value of platelets?
150,000 - 350,000 / uL
What may happen when you have a platelet value of <10,000/ uL?
spontaneous hemorrhage may occur
True or False: >50,000/uL minimizes hemorrhage during surgery?
What is Platelet’s function in Hemostasis?
- Platelet plug
- Stabilize plug by fibrin formation
- Maintenance of vascular integrity
When are platelets transfused? State 3 reasons
- To increase platelet count
- Prophylactically for Oncology patients
- If a patient’s platelets are not functioning (PFA test)
On Oncology patients, we know that the chemo is going to kill the blood plts.
Chemo therapy is hard on platelets
What is Refractory?
failure to achieve an acceptable platelet count following platelet transfusion.
True or False: 1 apheresis or 6 whole blood concentrates about +30,000 - 50,000 / uL of platelets
Plate activation occurs ______ storage
- ATP released
- Platelets aggregate
- Increase glucose consumption lead to Lactic acid
- Decrease in pH will cause platelets to swell (bad platelets)