Component 3 Topic 8 Flashcards
How are rainforests interdependent?
The biotic and abiotic components of the rainforest all rely on each other in some way. For example, the warm snd wet climate means plants can grow quickly. The dense leaf cover then protects the forest floor form wind and heavy rainfall, thus preventing erosion.
How are plants adapted to the hot, wet climate?
Many plants have different adaptations to survive depending on which layer they are situated in within the rainforest. (E.g. buttress roots, epiphytes, lianas and drip tip leaves)
What is meant by stratified layers?
These are the layers that make up the rainforest. The rainforest is made up of the shrub layer, under canopy, main canopy and the emergents. These stratified layers affects how much sunlight gets to each level of vegetation.
What are buttress roots?
Buttress roots are large and very wide roots that support the tallest trees in the rainforest (emergents).
What are drip tip leaves?
These are thick and waxy leaves that allow the plant to shed and release water quickly therefore preventing themselves from rotting.
How are animals adapted to survive in the rainforest?
Many animals such as monkeys and sloths have strong claws and long arms and tails to support them when climbing through the upper layers of the canopy where most of the food is. Big cats also have camouflaged fur to keep them hidden as they sneak up on their prey. Big cats also have strong claws to help them climb.
Why do tropical rainforests have a high rate of nutrient cycling?
Nutrients are cycled quickly as the ecosystem is working all year round. In other words the year is a growing season. Trees are evergreen so they drop leaves and grow them all year round. The constant warm and moist climate means dead organisms decompose quickly, thus releasing nutrients back to the soil. Rapid growth occurs due to the amount of nutrients and warm climate.
How are the biotic and abiotic components of the taiga interdependent?
Similarly to the rainforest plants gain their nutrients from the soil and then provide nutrients for the animals that eat them. In turn animals spread seeds through their dung, helping the plants to reproduce. Herbivores rely on plants to eat and carnivores follow the herbivores.
Why are taiga trees cone shaped?
They are cone shaped to help shed snow quickly so the branches don’t break. The branches are also quite bendy so they are less likely to snap.
Why do taiga trees have needles instead of leaves?
The need,es help reduce water loss from strong, cold winds because they have a low surface area.
Why are taiga conifers evergreen?
They are evergreen so they can make the best use of the limited availability of light.
How do migratory animals survive in the taiga forest?
Many large animals, such as caribou, are migratory because they need to travel long distances in order to find suitable food that isn’t always available all year round dud to the cold weather and the short growing season.
Why does the taiga have lower productivity than the rainforest.
Taiga have slow nutrient cycling, therefore very slow plant growth due to the cold climate. Even though trees are evergreen the cold temperatures mean that the dropped needles decompose slowly. This means the soil is very infertile and nutrient poor.
Why is climate change an indirect threat to the health of the tropical rainforest?
Climate change impacts the rainforest because temperature is increasing but rainfall is decreasing therefore causing drought. Droughts lead to ecosystem stress as plants are adapted to the moist wet conditions not dry conditions, meaning they will likely die. Droughts can also cause forest fires, destroying much of the rainforest.
How does commercial hardwood logging contribute to deforestation? (Rainforest)
Large companies exploit the rainforests resources to produce a profit. In this case they cut down large areas of trees which will then be produced into furniture and used for production. Road building is also required to transfer logs meaning more trees need to be cut down.