Complimentary and Alternative Therapies (CAM) (Fundamentals Ch 42) Flashcards
-needles or pressure along meridians to alter body function or produce analgesia.
Homeopathic medicine
-administering doses of substances (remedies) that produce symptoms of disease state in a well person to ill clients to bring about healing.
Naturopathic medicine
-diet, exercise, environment, and herbal remedies to promote natural healing.
Chiropractic medicine
-spinal manipulation for healing
Massage therapy
-stretching and loosening muscles and connective tissue for relaxation and circulation.
-using technology to increase awareness of various neurological body responses to minimize extremes
Therapeutic touch
-using hands to help bring energy fields into balance
Guided imagery/visualization therapy
-having mind focus on images to encourage healing and relaxation
Healing intention
-techniques that use caring, compassion, and empathy in context of prayer to facilitate healing.
Breath work
-breathing patterns to reduce stress and increase relaxation
-coping mechanism to reduce tension and increase mood
-technique to calm the mind and body
Simple touch
-communicates presence, appreciation, and acceptance
Music therapy
- relaxation therapy that provides distraction from pain
- earphones improve concentration
Therapeutic communication
-allows clients to verbalize and become aware of emotions and fears in safe, nonjudgmental environment
Alternative medical philosophy
- traditional Chinese medicine
- acupuncture
- homeopathy
Biological and botanical therapies
- diets
- vitamins
- minerals
- herbal preparations
Body manipulation
- massage
- touch
- chiropractic therapy
Mind-body therapies
- biofeedback
- art therapy
- meditation
- yoga
- psychotherapy
- tai chi
Energy therapies
- Reiki
- therapeutic touch
Progressive relaxation
- Used to control stress and anxiety, relieve insomnia, and reduce symptoms of certain types of chronic pain.
- Practice of tensing, or tightening, one muscle group at a time followed by relaxation phase with release of tension.
- Tensing and relaxing muscle groups one at a time in specific order, generally lower extremities and ending with face, abdomen, and chest.
- Practice seated or lying down, with comfortable clothing, and in quiet place free of distractions.