Complicity Flashcards
Whats a Principal in the First Degree?
Actual perpetrator or most immediate cause of the SERIOUS INDICTABLE offence.
Whats a Principal in Second Degree?
Present at commission of the Serious Indictable offence and;
- Aids
- Abets
- Assists
In Commission of offence
Must be present or sufficiently proximate to assist.
Accessories before the fact? Section?
S 346 Crimes Act. Absent at the time of commission but - Counsels - Commands or Abets another to commit THAT offence. Liable to same punishment as Principle.
Accessory after fact?
After commission of the SIO, and with knoweldge that one has been committed either - Receives - Comforts - Harbours - Assists or - Maintains the offender. Imprisonment for 5 years.
Foundational Crime?
The crime the conspirators intended/agree to commit.
Incidental Crime
Any crime that results from the actions surrounding the foundational crime. Secondary crime.
Can person be found guilty as Principle in 2nd for encouragement?
yes. Must be proved he intended to encourage or wilfully encouraged.
When one of the conspirators ‘abandons’ the crime.
Principals of abandonment? Case?
R v Tierney
They must;
1. Communicate their intention to withdraw to other princinples.
2. Accompany the withdrawl with such actions that can reasoanbly be undertaken to undo the effect of their involvement.
Is abandonment a question of fact or law?
What must be proved in terms of knowledge for Accessory before the fact?
That the crime committed by the principle was the crime contemplated by the accessory.
Joint Principles?
Joint principles in 1st degree occur when 2 or more people carry out JCE.
What must prosecution prove for Joint Principles?
- Agreement -
2. Participation (p1 or p2 or ABF)
Doctrine of Common Purpose?
Also known as extended joint criminal enterprise.
2 or more person act together in pursuit of Common unlawful objective, then every act done in fuirtherance of that common purpose by one is an act done by all.
Attributing criminal liability to one aprticipant for a crime committed by another participant in the course of carrying out their JCE.
If someone commits an act outside of common purpose are the other persons liable?
No, unless they instigate it or assist in it, or if it can be proved that the incidental offence was ‘within the contemplation’ of the others persons in the JCE.
What is the agreement in relation to?
Committing the foundational offence.
What does McLean NSWCCA say?
Doctrine common purpose only applies when persons jointly agree to commit a foundational crime but in the process of committing it one commits an incidental crime.
Three elements of common purpose? Case?
McAulife v R.
- Participation by accused in JCE
- Incidental crime committed by a aprticipant outside the agreement but within their contemplation.
Is the test subjective or objective when determining crimes falling outside of foundational crime?
Subjective. Scope of common purpose determined by what was contemplated by parties sharing foundational purpose. Mcaulife v R.
Whats a joint criminal enterprise?
When two or more persons come to an agreement they will commit a crime.
Is mere presence enough for JCE?
No, must prove participation in some form.
What does Miller v The Queen say?
Bloke who drove around a mate who was raping and killing girls.
The rule from Mcauliffe in relation to scope of contemplation for incidental offences still applies, despite case of Jogee in the UK.
UK case on incidental offences that doesnt apply in NSW?
Case on non-responsible agent?
R v Bourne - Beastiality case, under duress.