Complications in Pregnancy Flashcards
turner syndrome
- 45 chromosomes, including a single X chromosome
- elevated AFP
- female fetus
- 1:5000
- cystic hygroma, cardiac defects, renal anomalies, cubitus valgus, short femur, general lymph edema
- differential: cephalocele, trisomy 13, hydrops fetalis
- classic triad of macrosomia, omphalocele, and macroglossia
- increases risk of developing wilms tumor, hemihypertrophy, renal anomalies,a nd hepatosplenomegaly
- hemihypertrophy, macroglossia, omphalocele
- differential: down syndrome
refers to a pattern of multiple anomalies that results from a single anomaly or mechanical factor
- two or more fetuses
- single gestational sac
- no membrane
- zygote splits 10-14 days postfertilization
- differential: technical difficulty in locating membrane
- zygote splits within 3-5 days of fertilization
- four-layered membrane
- two or more individual gestational sacs and placentas
- thick membrane with V shape called twin peak or lambda sign
- differential: mirror image artifact
twin to twin transfusion syndrome
- same sex fetuses
- single placenta
- arterial blood of the donor twin pumps into the venous system of the recipient twin
- recipient twin ultimately receives too much blood
- donor twim may display IUGR and oligo
- receiving twin may aquire hydrops and poly
- differential: acardiac twin or poli-oli syndrome
cubitus valgus
abnormal outward bending or twisting of the elbow
a condition where the skull is defective causing exposure or extrusion of the brain
is a defect of an organ resulting from the breakdown of previously normal tissue
hydrops fetalis
- an abnormal interstitil accumulation of fluid in the body cavities and soft tissues
- fluid accumulation may results in anasarca, ascites, pericardial effusion, pleural effusion, placentomegaly, and polyhydramnios
- may result from antibodies in the maternal circualtion that destroythe fetal red blood cells or without evidence of clood group incompatibility
- sonography cannot differentiate immune from nonimmune hydrops
multifetal gestations
- 70% of pregnancies beginning with twins will deliver a singleton pregnancy
- monozygotic twins results from a single fertilized ovum
- dizygotic twins results from two separate ova
- majority of pregnancies are dizgotic
- dizygotic pregnancies are always dichorionic/diamniotic
- twin A closet to the internal os
- IUGR most common causediscordant growth in a dichrionic multifetal gestation
- twin-twin transfusion syndrome is the most common cause of discordant growth in a monochrorionic multifetal gestation
chorionic villi sampling
- performed between 10 and 12 gestational wks
- results after 1 wk
- identify masses
- assess fetus postprocedure
limb body wall complex
- rare complex malformation caused by the failure of closure of the ventral body wall
- two or more defects
- ventral wall defect, cranial anomalies, marked scoliosis, limb defects, short umbilical cord, amniotic bands
- differential: amniotic band syndrome or trisomy 13
conjoined twins
- monozygotic
- fusion of twin fetuses
- usually anterior and one body part
- inseparable fetal bodies and skin contours, no membrane
- differential: acardiac twin or normal twin pregnancy
amniotic band syndrome
- ruptured amnion sticks and entangles fetal parts
- associated with fetal abnormalities and amputations
- thin hyperechoic linear structure floating within the amniotic cavity
- feta abnormalities
- differential: synechia, amniotic chorionic separation, limb-body wall complex, placetnal shelf
fetus papyraceus
- demise of a twin that is too large to reabsorb
- inward curving of the fifth finger associated with Downs
acardiac twin
- rare
- diamniotic/monochorionic
- twin reversed arterial perfusion
- blood shunted through a vein to vein and artery to artery
- places a large cardiovascular burden on the normal twin
- acardiac
- poorly developed upper body, anencephaly, absent or poor heart, limbs may be present
- normal
- hydrops, poly, cardiac failure
immune hydrops
- rh sensitivity
- scalp edema, pleural effusion, poly, placentomegaly
- differential: nonimmune hydrops or pleural effusion
eagle-barret syndrome
- prune belly syndrome
- hypotonic abdominal wall muscles
- associated with dialted fetal bladder, small thorax, and imperforate anus
- hydronephrosis, megaureter, oligo, small thorax, large abdomen, cryptorchidism, hip dislocation, scoliosis
- differential: urinary obstruction or urethral atresia
refers to an abnormal form, shape, or position of a part caused by mechanical forces antenatally
spalding sign
overlapping of the crainal bones associated with fetal demise
meckel-gruber syndrome
- lethal condition
- occurs equally in males and females
- autosomal recessive
- encephalocele, infantile polycystic renals, oligo, bladder not visualized, polydactyly
- differential: trisomy 13 or infantile polycystic disease
vanishing twin
- early fetal demise of one embryo
- twin pregnancy
- demised twin resolves
- becomes singleton pregnancy
- differential: succenturine placenta or subchorionic hemorrhage
edward syndrome
- trisosmy 18
- 80% of cases display a clenched fist
- decrease in AFP
- overall poor prognosis
- female prevalence
- heart defects, choroid plexus cysts, clenched hands, micrognathia, renal anomlaies, cleft lip and palate, omphalocele, two vessel cord
- differential: trisomy 13 or triploidy
severe generalized massive edema often seen with hydrops fetalis
stuck twin
- poli-oli sequence
- monochorionic/diamniotic
- usuallyamnifests between 16 and 26 gestational weeks
- one twin oligo, other twim poly
- differential: acardiac twin, twin to twin
- three complete sets of chromosomes
- most will abort spontaneously
- 1:5000
- early onset IUGR, holoprosencephaly, hypertelorism, micrognathia, microphthalmia, ventriculomegaly, oligo, 2 vessel cord, cardiac anomalies, clubfeet, syndactyly
- differential: trisomy 13 or 18
- permits direct viewing of the developing fetus
- assess fetus after procedure
refers to a defect of an organ that results from an intrinsically abnormal development process
- used to analyze fetal chromosomes
- fetal blood is aspirated through the umbilical cord
- assess fetus postprocedure
- used to analyze fetal chromosomes in early pregnancy
- typically between 15-18 wks
- can be preformed as early as 12 gestational wks
- recheck fetal well being after procedure
patau syndrome
- trisomy 13
- 90% of cases display cardiac defects
- syndrome of midline defects
- 1:25,000
- poor prognosis
- holoprosencephaly, microcephaly, cystic hygroma, absent or small eyes, cardiac defects, omphalocele, polycystic kidneys, clubfoot, polydactyly, IUGR, poly, facial cleft
sandal toe deformity
increased distance between the first and second toes associated with Downs
gravest form of pregnancy induced maternal hypertension characterized by seiures, coma, proteinuria, and edema
pentalogy of cantrell
- congenital disorder characterized by two out of the following major defects
- cardiac, abdominal wall defect, diaphragmatic hernia, defect of diaphragmaric pericardium, ectopia cordis
- pulsating mass outside of the chest, ophalocele, gastroschisis
- differential: beckwith-wiedemann or acardiac twin
congential anomaly characterized by the fusion of the finger and toes
nonimmune hydrops
- large for dates
- anasarca, edema, ascites, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, poly, placentomegaly, fetal tachycardia, 200-240 bpm
- differential: immune hydrops or pleural effusion
down syndrome
- trisomy 21
- decrease in AFP
- 1:800 live births
- coexisting anomalies dicate overall prognosis
- 30% of cases demonstrate duodenal atresia
- nuchal fold >6mm, cardiac folci, macroglossia, low set ears, short stature, brachycephaly
- differential: beckwith-wiedemann syndrome
- zygote splits 5-10 days after fertilization
- three layer membrane
- two or more individual gestational saces with shared placenta
- membrane attachment of one chorion creates a T shape
- moderately thick membrane
- differential: mirror image artifact