Adnexal Pathology and Infertility Flashcards
parovarian cyst
- typically located in the broad ligament
- asymptomatic, pelvic pain, palpable pelvic mass
- round anechoic, smooth wall
- differential: cystadenoma, hydrosalpinx, ovarian cyst, meckel diverticulum, peritoneal cyst
- ectopic location of functional endometrial tissue
- attaches to teh fallopian tubes, ovaries, colon, and bladder
- asymptomatic, dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, irregular menses, dyspareunia, infertility
- difficult to visualize
- differential: adhesions or bowel interference
ovarian induction therapy
- medication injected to stimulate follicular development
- stimulates pituitary gland to increase FSH
- estradiol levels are monitored for timing of intramuscular injection of hCG
krukenberg tumors
- metastatic lesions, primary lesion from gastric carcinoma
- asymptomatic, abdominal pain, bloating
- bilateral adnexal or ovarian masses, oval, hypoechoic, posterior enhancement, ascites, bilateral
- differential: ovarian carcinoma, degenerating fibroid, tuboovarian abscess, cystic teratoma, endometrioma
- pelvic infection
- pelvic pain, fever, dyspareunia, leukocytosis
- nodular, complex, posterior enhancement
- differential: bowel or endometrosis
scarring caused by previous dilation and curettage or spontaneous abortion, demonstrated as hyperechoic band of echoes within the endo cavity
- bacterial infection, diverticulitis, appendicitis
- asymptomatic, low-grade fever, pelvic fulliness
- complex, wall thickness > 5mm, irregular margins
- differential: bowel, ovarian neoplasm, iliac vessel, hydroureter
- when comception does not occur with 1 year
- ovulatory disorders most common cause: PCOS, luteinizing unruptured follicle syndrome, luteal phase inadequacy
- fibroids 15 % of cases
Meckel diverticulum
an anomalous sac protuding from the ileum caused by an incomplete closure of the yolk stalk
pelvic inflammatory disease
- bacterial infection, diverticullitis, appendicitis
- abdominal pain, fever, vaginal dicharge, urinary frequency
- normal pelvic appearance, thick and hypervascular endo, complex tubular adnexal mass
- differential: normal pelvis, loops of bowel, endometriosis, ectopic
gamete intrafollicular transfer
requires ovulation stimulation and retrieval of oocytes
the oocytes are mixed with sperm and then are transferred into the fallopian tubes
during induction therapy
- monitor the size and number of follicles per ovary
- count and measure onlt the follicles greater than 1 cm
- optimal follicle size 1.5 to 2 cm
- correlate estrodiol level with size and number of follicles
peritoneal inclusion cyst
- previous abdominal surgery, trauma, PID, endometriosis
- asymptomatic, lower abdominal pain, palpable mass
- septated fluid collection surrounding ovary, vascular flow can be demonstrated in septae
- differential: ascites, parovarian cyst, hydrosalpinx
zygote intrafallopian transfer
zygote transferred into the fallopian tube
- focal collection of ectopic endometrial tissue
- “chocolate csyt”
- pelvic pain, metromenorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, dysparenunia, pelvic mass, infertility
- hypoechoic, homogeneous adnexal mass, well defined, diffuse, avascular
- differential: hemorrhagic cyst, pedunculated fibroid, cystic teratoma
- mature ova aspirated with ultrasound
- fertilization is accomplished in lab setting
- endo preparedto accept enbryo
- embryo are transferred into endo
- PID, endometriosis, postoperative adhesions
- asymptomatic, pelvic fullness, infertility
- anechoic tubular adnexal mass, thin wall margins, absence of peristalsis
- differential: bowel, dilated ureter, iliac vein, ovarian cyst, omental cyst
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
- caused by high levels of hCG
- clinical findings: back pain, abdominal distention, nausea and vomiting, leg edema
- multicystic ovarian enlargement > 5cm in diameter
fallopian tube carcinoma
- dsyplasia
- pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, pelvic mass
- sausage-shaped complex adnexa mass, papillary projections
- differential: tuboovarian abscess or loops of bowel
tuboovarian abscess
- pelvic infection, STD
- severe pelvic pain, fever, leukocytosis, nausea and vomiting
- complex, ill-defined wall margins
- differential: endometriosis, ectopic, hemorrhagic cyst