Complete Blood count Flashcards
aka plasma. 90% water. Salts, glucose, proteins, hormones
Serum vs plasma
Serum is plasma minus clotting proteins. Depends on test needed.
Blood film
thin layer of cells prepared on slide. Important adjunct with CBC.
Source of Normal CBC references
Normal average +/- 2 standard deviations.
Hemoglobin. 135-175 g/L
Red blood cells. 4.3-6 10^12/L. Not commonly referred to.
(fraction of blood occupied by RBC). Hematocrit. .41-.52 L/L
Mean cell volume. 80-100 fL (femtoliter). Important, classify anemia.
Mean cell hemoglobin concentration. 320-360 g/L. Not common.
Red cell distribution width. variation in size of RBC. %. <15.6. High number indicates various sizes, lower means more uniform
Anemia and values
Low Hb. Male: <120g/L.
Anemia classification
Based on MCV. Microcytic 100fL.
Causes of micro- and macrocytic
Micro: low Fe, chronic disease, thalassemia, Pb poison. Macro: low Vit B12 or folate, very high reticulocyte count, EtOH, liver disease, myelodysplasia, thyroid disease
Platelets. Form fibrin net for clot. 140-450 10^9/L.
White blood cells. 4-11 10^9/L.
D for differential. WBC counted as absolute and D for percentage.
Neutrophils 1.8-7.5 10^9/L. bacterial infection (HOOH etc), phagocytosis results in breakdown of Neut also - makes pus
Lymphocytes 1-4.5 10^9/L. Immunity vs viruses and memory, Ab. 70% T, 30% B
Monocytes 0-1.1 10^9/L. bac, fungi. Clean up after neutrophils
Eosinophils 0-.7 10^9/L. Parasites, allergic reaction.
Basophils 0-.3 10^9/L. Deep blue. Allergy (releasee histamine)
Polymorphonuclear cells
aka granulocytes. Multilobed nuclei.
Pediatric vs Adult CBC
Can be very different. Children have much higher lymphocyte to neutrophil ratio
Bone marrow
Adult: pelvis, vertebrae, cranium, ribs, sternum, ends of long bones. Kids: almost everywhere
Organization of bone marrow
Craz. Cluster of cells supported by blood vessels, fat, sinus spaces (exit for mature cells)
Blood cell formation. Amplification, differentiation, stem cells. Coordinated by GF and cytokines. Don’t know the map but appreciated.
Hematopoietic stem cells
Low concentration. Circulate on occasion then back to marrow (can harvest for treatment).
Neutrophil maturation
myeloblast, then myeloids (immature: promyelocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, bands), then neutrophil.
Left shift
More immature blood cells in peripheral blood. Can be result of stress (infection) or disease (leukemia).
If blasts are in peripheral blood, could be acute leukemia, acute stress (hemorrhage, blood loss) or diseases of bone marrow (cancer, or infection in marrow). Always a red flag.
immature RBC. Still anuclear.
infection reaction
pathogens trigger inflammatory cells to release GF and cytokines, which recruit WBC from reserves. Can eventually affect PLT number and mild anemia
Increased NEUT
infection, inflammation (cancer), stress, necrotic tissue, medication (steroids), disease in marrow.