Competition Policies Flashcards
Define Competition
Process of rivalry between firms striving to gain sales + profits
e.g. Product Differentiation amongst Coffee chains
Flights + Holiday offers
What is the main driver and the outcome of Competition?
Main driver is Self-interest- Profits
Main outcome is Beneficial to Society- lower prices, better G+S etc.
What 3 things does Competition promote?
Efficiency + Innovation
Economic Growth- Private-sector development
Consumer Welfare gains- Lower prices + better products
Assumptions for Perfect Competition
Many Producers + Consumers
Homogenous Products
Perfect Information + motivated by desire to Max. Profits + Satisfaction
Free Entry + Exit to Market- No Barriers
How do Monopolies affect prices?
Change the Highest possible price
Show Abnormal profit on a Monopoly diagram
AR = D
Qm is where MC = MR, but Pm is at AR/D
Under Perfect Competition, what is the slope of MR?
Flat- Sticky prices
MR is constant at all Quantities
What are the 2 main responsibilities of Competition Authorities?
Investigate Anti-competitive behaviour
Adjudicate behaviour
What are the 3 Main Areas of Competition Policy?
Anticompetitive Agreements- e.g. Price fixing between competitors
Abuse of Dominant position- e.g. Charging unfair prices, Predatory prices
What are the 2 types of Anticompetitive agreements?
Horizontal + Vertical Agreements
What are Horizontal Agreements?
Firms in same business agreeing NOT to compete Cartel Agreements- bid rigging -output restrictions -price fixing -market allocation
What are Vertical Agreements?
Supplier-Customer relationship
- Exclusive supply/purchase agreements
- Tie-ins
- Resale Price maintenance
What are the 2 main practices of Abuse of Dominance?
Exploitative Practices
Exclusionary Practices
What are Exploitative practices?
Firms exploit customer
e.g. Excessive pricing, Discrimination, tied-selling
What are Exclusionary practices?
Practices aimed at driving Competition out of market
e.g. Predatory pricing, refusal to deal, hoarding raw materials
What are Anticompetitive Mergers + acquisitions?
Some Mergers may Decrease competition by Increasing Dominance
What are the 3 types of Mergers?
Horizontal Merger
Vertical Merger
Conglomerate Merger
What are Horizontal Mergers?
Mergers between competitors- firms at the same level of the supply chain
Most harmful to Competition
What are Vertical Mergers?
Merger between firms in a supplier-customer relationship
What are Conglomerate Merger?
Merger between firms in different industries
Can lead to accumulation of large Financial resources- ability to abuse
What are the 3 steps in Competition Policy?
- A complaint
- Own-initiative Investigation is opened
- Leniency application from one participant in a Cartel submitted
What 6 things are Analysed in an Anticompetitive Case?
- Abusive Conduct- by companies
- Relevant Market- Market definition to identify boundaries of Competition between firms- establishes a framework within which Competition is applied
Ped + Xed are Key tools - Dominance Position- Info regarding Market power to assess dominance- Market Share is usual indicator
- Barriers to Entry- ease of entering the market
- Legal Assessment- what the anticompetitive effects?
- Comp. Authority Actions- decision on whether there is infringement