Competition Flashcards
populations grow exponentially when
resources are unlimited
intrinsic growth rate (r) depends on
life history traits
species interactions (3)
species interconnected through chain of resources
- 2 species might compete for them (comp)
- one species might serve as a resource for another (predation)
- 2 species might collaborate to increase their resources (mutualism)
Liebig’s law of the minimum
Each pop should incr until the supply of the most limiting resource constrains further growth
Suggests resource limiting growth is the most scarce
According to the law, each pop grows until the supply of the limiting resource no longer satisfies the pop’s need for it
2 types of competition
intra and inter specific
Intraspecific is
one of the density dependent factors
indirect competition
through shared resources
Exploitative competition eg in plants for sunlight
Direct competition
through defending resources
interference comp
eg physical combat
If 2 populations share same resource..
carrying capacity of 1 pop reduced by conspecifics (N1 organisms belonging to same species) and competitors (N2 ie hoe many of species 2 is present
have to modify logistic model if 2 species sharing same resources
Looks- Volterra model for inter specific competition
when 2 pops of different species compete for the same resource, they reduce each other’s growth
Most common stable equilibrium is when either pop drives other to extinction
Stable coexistence reached when each pop limits its own growth more than growth of competitor ie when interspecies smaller than intraspecies competition
competitive exclusion
if 2 species use same resource and share same habitat, then one competing species will eventually exclude the other
If 2 competing species seem to coexist in a stable environment, must be using different resources
fundamental niche
entire set of conditions under which an species can survive and reproduce itself
realised niche
set of conditions used by given species, after interactions with other species (predation and comp) have been taken into account
niche overlap
similarity in how 2 species use resources
intensity of comp when resources are limiting
what does evolution predict for the species not competing (niche overlap)
will separate and can avoid comp and coexist in he same place
does competitive exclusion explain geographic distribution?
likely explanation for differential use of resources in nature- resource partitioning in response to comp
- differences may be due to separate evol - allows these species to live together
- or differences among species may be irrelevant to comp- resources not limiting or comp not related to differences
- need experiment to test comp exclusion hypothesis
evolutionary consequences
if there’s genetic variation in a pop for incr competitivity, competitiveness can evolve
also if variation in resource use exists, selection within a pop may favour avoidance of comp with other species by evolving different traits
character displacement
when 2 species utilise same resource and have overlapping geographic distribution, their morphology may shift to avoid competition
overall does diversification of resources affect
a) species distribution
b) species characters
and yes
negative outcome of competition due to use of same resources
resources often limited, because all populations will grow