Competency 24: Government & Citizenship Flashcards
Bill of Rights
Ratified on December 15, 1791.
Set of ten amendments to US constitution that outline the rights of US citizens. Ex) Freedom of religion, assembly, keep & bear arms, freedom of speech, of the press, protection from those accused of crimes.
Articles of Confederation
The first constitution of the 13 American states, adopted in 1781 and later replaced in 1789 by Constitution.
Declaration of Independence
Written by Thomas Jefferson & issued to England on July 4, 1776.
States 13 colonies declared they were free & not subject to government of GB
Provides list of grievances against England.
Outlines basic human rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness
US Constitution
Defines gov. of US.
Splits gov. into 3 branches
Nations highest law
ratified 7/21/1788
Replaced articles of confederation
Provided for strong central gov along with state gov
Has 3 parts (preamble, main body & amendments)
Texas Declaration of Independence
Issued to Mexico on March 2, 1836.
Texas has been governed by how many constitutions?
1st in 1824 (republic of mexico
last in 1876 (current)
Free Enterprise System
Economic system in which people own and run their own businesses.
How to satisfy unlimited wants with limited resources
Capital Goods
Items used in creation of other goods (factory machinery, trucks)
Durable Goods
Any good that lasts more than 3 years when used on a regular basis.
Non-Durable Goods
Any item that lasts less than 3 years when used on regular basis.
physical assets (machinery, equipments, buildings, inventories, etc)
Factors of Production/resources
Elements a nation has at its disposal to deal with issue of scarcity:
land-natural resources, etc.
capital-investment monies
labor-work force, size, education, quality work ethic
Entrepreneurs- inventive
General increase in prices across economy over period of time.
Opportunity Cost
Cost of an economic decision
Difference between total revenue earned by company & total cost incurred in producing product.
Three basic economic questions
1) What to produce?
2) How to produce?
3) For whom to produce?
Characterized by single ruler with total control. Monarchs are also. Ex) Roman Empire, Latin American Caudillos. Stalin, Hitler.
Small group of people who have the combined power of a dictator.
Direct Democracy
Government in which all citizens have equal power in decision making.
Ex) Switzerland, Ancient Athens
Rrepresentative Democracy
Citizens elect representatives who hold the decision-making power. All modern Western-style democracies are. Ex) UK, US, Germany,
Constitutional Government
When a government is operating within an agreed set of legal constraints which established the fundamental rules and principles by which an organization is governed.
Totalitarian Government
A government in which the state involves itself in all facets of society & seeks to control everything. The citizen’s duty is to the state.
Two ways to change the constitution:
1) Congressional Amendment: begins in Congress as proposal, requires 2/3 vote in each house.
2) National Convention: the legislature of 2/3 states ask Congress to call national convention to discuss and draft amendment.
Plessy v. Ferguson
(1896) Upheld constitutionality of state laws regarding racial segregation in public facilities under doctrine separate but equal.
In 1890, Louisiana passed a law required separate accommodations for blacks & whites on railroads. Plessy boarded whites-only car and refused to leave.
Korematsu v. United States
(1944) Exclusion order leading to Japanese American internment was constitutional.
Brown v. Board of Education
(1954) Supreme court declared state laws establishing separate but equal schools for black and white students was unconstitutional. Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson.
Miranda v. Arizona
Made Miranda rights
Roe v. Wade
Right to privacy under Due Process Clause of 14th amendment extended to women’s decision to have abortion.
Texas v. Johnson
(1989) Invalidated prohibitions on desecrating the American flag. Johnson’s act of flag burning was protected speech under 1st amendment.