Competency 1.4 - analyze geographic information from maps, charts, and graphs Flashcards
a two-dimensional model of the Earth or a portion of its surface
the process of mapmaking
general reference map
a map that shows a variety of information—geological, geographical, political—about a location
political map
a map that shows political boundaries, states, cities, capitals, and countries
physical map
a map that shows landforms and bodies of water found in an area
thematic map / special purpose map
a map that focuses on a specific aspect of geography such as climate, vegetation, population density, historical trends, etc
contour map
a map that uses lines to define the elevation of an area; the closer the lines, the steeper the elevation
a collection of maps
shape (map property)
a map property that refers to the geometric shapes of the objects on the map
size / area (map property)
a map property that refers to the relative amount of space taken up on the map by the landforms or objects on the map
distance (map property)
a map property that refers to the represented distance between objects on the map
direction (map property)
a map property that refers to the degree of accuracy representing the cardinal directions (N, E, S, & W) and their intermediate directions (NE, SE, SW, NW)
area chart / area graph
a chart used to show how something changes with respect to time, showing the contribution, over time, of each type of data in a series, in the form of a whole picture
bar chart / bar graph
a chart that uses horizontal or vertical blocks to compare the amounts or frequency of distinct items or shows single items at distinct intervals; usedul for comparing groups of data that are in competition with one another
line chart / line graph
a chart that compares two or more sets of information by plotting the value of data to illustrate the relationship of consecutive points; usually used to show changes over time