Comparing criminal behaviour and deviance definitions Flashcards
What is an example of behaviour that is unusual and good?
Heroically risking your own life to save someone else
What is an example of behaviour that is unusual and eccentric?
Talking to trees in the park
What is an example of behaviour that is unusual and bad?
Physically attacking someone for no reason
What are norms?
Specific rules or socially accepted that govern behaviour in particular situations
What are values?
General principles or guidelines for how we should live our lives
What are moral codes?
A set of basic rules, values and principles, held by an individual, group, organisation or society as a whole
What is a formal sanction?
Punishments for breaking formal written rules or laws, imposed by official bodies
What is an informal sanction?
Disapproval shown to a person for breaking unwritten rules
What is a positive sanction?
Rewards for behaviour society approves of
What is social control?
Ways in which society seeks to control our behaviour and ensure we conform to its norms
What is Actus Reus?
Latin for “guilty act”
What is Mens rea?
Latin for “guilty mind”
What are fines?
Financial penalties dependent on seriousness of offence and ability to pay
What is a conditional discharge?
An offender may avid prison if they commit no offences in a given time period
What is an absolute discharge?
Defendant is guilty but court decides punishment is not appropriate