Comp Gov Unit 1b Flashcards
s system of ideas and ideals which form the basis of economic or political theory and public policy
four stages of ideology
perception - what is going wrong
evaluation - why things are going wrong
prescription - cure for the ills of society
movement - a way to carry out the cure
Karl Marx
marxism - the working class (proletariat) will take matters into their own hands and establish a new government against capitalism
Vladimir Lenin
leninism - a small revolutionary vanguard (bolsheviks)
maoism - peasantry
remove social inequalities typically through limited government ownership and redistribution of wealth within a democratic system
state socialism and communism in practice
political and economic centralization through a party state and command economy. Claims this “dictatorship of the proletariat” is temporary
government rules as a “democratic dictatorship”until society is ready to self-govern (the “end state”)
communism the theory
the end state. No government, no provisional property and creation of a classless, no exploitative and self-governing society
capitalism industrial revolutions caused inequality and maltreatment -> frustrated workers will rise up and take matters into their own hands by leading a revolution -> take all the assets of ex-business owners to support the new state after the government is overthrown
rubber stamp
legislation approves everything the president (or communist dictator) puts out
regime consolidation
make sure that the regime stays the way it is
All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter Revolution - secret police that killed people and silences opposition as their form of regime consolidation
Deja Vu All Over Again?
repetition of the past
Putin, Putin, and more Putin
gaining more control of political life, something that isn’t possible in industrial democracies
2008 - Putin chose Dmitri Medvedev as his successor while he became prime minister
two parties: United Russia (single party democratic system with this party) and Just Russia - both Putin and Kremlin’s work
weak economy; dependent on oil and gas as its only significant exports
Thinking About Russia
stakes of political life are way higher than other countries
Mikhail Khordorkovsky, who had unusual access to Boris Yeltsin, was convicted of many crimes
Russian Geography
also called the Russian Federation
largest country with a high population
cold and some snow
oil, natural gas, and many minerals underneath permafrost
Russian Diversity
mainly Russians with large RUssian minorities in other USSR countries
near abroad - independent republics that emerged after the dissolving of the Soviet Union
ethnic troubles and fighting in the Soviet Union 1980s -> reform and protest against discrimination -> violence and some legislation furthering discrimination -> diversion still continues today
Russian Poverty
very poor
standard of living for the people is lower than in the West
an emerging economy, but its growth and improvement is slow
Russia: The Environment
Soviet Union and Russia -> many nuclear weapons, Chernobyl of 1986 being the worst -> bad air, deaths, cancer and diseases, pollution, bad soil
example cities with bad conditions: Kemenevo and Karabash
The Evolution of the Russian State
past with Soviet Union plays a big role, partly because many politicians today were part of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)
The Broad Sweep of Russian History
started in the 19th century
Kievans tribe and successors take over
Russia was able to get a good hold on their land after being overrun many times over
many things that reshaped Europe, like scientific revolution and Reformation, didn’t happen in Russia and left it behind
many, like Peter the Great, took ideas from West to reshape Russia, which led to Slavophiles, who thought that Russia was the greatest and didn’t need western stuff
defeat by Britain and France in Crimean War -> political forces in motion -> 1917 revolution
Russia: Prelude to Revolution: Backwardness
halfway into 19th century
VERY slow industrialization
most people still lived in the countryside
Russia: Prelude to Revolution: Failed Reform
Crimean War -> Alexander II -> limited reforms -> killed 1881 -> Alexander III took over -> reversed the reforms of his father
Russia: Prelude to Revolution: A Weak State
state grew weaker and weaker
Russian elites’ hopes of Russia being a world power were crushed by its international defeats
Lenin and the (Wrong?) Revolution
because of heavy policy and exiles, only a small group of revolutionaries called Marxists survived (capitalism before a socialist revolution); within this, Vladimir Lenin
What is to be done?
congress of the Social Democratic Party 1903 -> split on pinions towards Lenin’s ideas -> Mensheviks (anti Lenin) vs. Bolsheviks
tsar regime went down -> Bolsheviks rose, especially after Japanese debacle in 1905
WWI -> provisional government -> 1917 Bolsheviks overthrew the government and took over -> had little popular support on countryside
Brest Litovsk Treaty with Germany -> industrial production decreased -> many people died while other fled to cities
Civil War 1918
New Economic Policy encouraged peasants, merchants, and some industrialists to pursue private businesses
Soviet Union didn’t adapt totalitarian dictatorship, until Stalin came along
Lenin: What is to be Done?
only a small group of professional revolutionaries can be successful
democratic centralism
prevent the secret police from infiltrating
democratic centralism
discussion and debate would be allowed before the party decided to act, but once a decision was made, everyone had to obey it without question