Comp 3: Reading Fluency Flashcards
Reading Fluency
The ability to decode words quickly and accurately to rad text with the appropriate word stress, pitch and intonation pattern
Intonation pattern; pattern of rhythm and sound used in poetry
What does reading fluency require?
Automaticity of word recognition and reading with prosody to facilitate comprehension.
quick and accurate recognition of letters, words, and language conventions
How is automaticity achieved?
Through continuous practice using texts at child’s reading level.
What is a prerequisite for language comprehension?
What is the purpose of students reading aloud in class?
Develop fluency
What should be the different goals of students reading aloud and reading silently?
Read silently for comprehension
Read aloud for fluency
How many words per minute (wpm) should a first grader read and how many wpm does it increase each year?
1st grade: 60 wpm
Increase by 10 wpm each year (2nd is 70 wpm, 3rd is 80 wpm, etc)
How is wpm calculated?
Words read in a minute - errors = wpm
Repeated Readings (Teach Fluency)
Read at reading level of child the same story repeatedly to develop fluency with support and feedback from teacher, parents, and peers.
Choral Reading (Teach Fluency)
All read a text together
Great for ELLs and struggling readers b/c pronunciation and fluency problems not publicly noticed and have model of fluent readers.
Pairing Students (Teach Fluency)
Pair proficient with ELLs or struggling readers, benefit both
Interactive Computer Programs (Teach Fluency)
Interactive and fun way to provide individual reading support.
Silent Sustained Reading (SSR) (Teach Fluency)
Primary goal is boost reading comprehension, BUT guiding them to read silently 20 min/day improve fluency; also teach read without moving lips
Should include the ability for the child to clicks and see word meaning and well as it reading aloud to them with words highlighted as it goes.
Readers’ Theatre (Teach Fluency)
Story modified to have characters that read portions of the text.
Students practice and create format to present.
Can read script or perform actions, intent to read not memorize.
Foster comprehension in characterization.
When should students stop pointing to words when they read because it can affect development of reading fluency?
Second grade
Running Record
Assessment strategy to assess word identification skills and fluency in oral reading.
Student reads a page and teacher has a copy that they mark mispronunciations, mark through skip words, arrow over repeated words
What is the main purpose of choral reading to promote reading fluency?
To teach intonation pattern of the language.
Which type of text is best for assessing and fostering fluency?
Text that is below the student’s instructional level.