Comp 1 - Assessment Flashcards
Which type of assessment includes: Observation, journal, written draft, and conversation
Two major types of assessments
Informal and formal
Which assessment includes: teacher made test, district exams, and standardized test
Formal assessment
Type of formal assessment that occurs during the process of learning, while still possible to modify instruction.
Formative assessment
Assessment that occurs at the end of a specific time period or course.
Summative evaluation
Provides a way to compare the performance of groups of students. Usually reported in percentile scores. By themselves these scores do not indicate how well a student has reached mastery
Norm-reference test
Each student is measured against uniform objectives or criteria. Teacher made test should be this form to help determine achievement of predetermined outcomes for the course.
Criterion-reference test
students are assessed on how well they peform certain tasks. This allows students to use high-level thinking skills to apply, anaylze, synthesize and evaluate ideas and data.
performance based assessment
Types of teacher made test
m/c, t/f, matching, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, long essay
Types of authentic assessments
projects, observations, checklists, anedotal records, portfolios, self- assessment, and peer assessment