community medicine 7 Flashcards
beriberi is caused by deficiency of
vitamin B1 (Thymine)
how many samples of sputum is collected for sputum microscopy under RNTCP
2 samples
A) an early morning sample of sputum is more likely be AFB positive than evening sample.
C)at least 10000 bacilli per ML of sputum should be there to get a positive smear D)using old slides with scratches increases false positivity
MDR TB is resistant to INH and Rifampicin
not recommended in treating a victim of dog bite
Early suturing of wound
apply a tourniquet just above the wound
gram negative cocci
waste water contain toxic substances, organic load is measured by:
Chemical oxygen demand
live vaccine is approved for open vial policy
about Sewage
Strength measured by Biological oxygen demand
Dry flow is measured for 24 hours period
Most important factor in Sewage treatment:
Strength of sewage is expressed in terms of
Suspended particles
Chemical oxygen demand
Biological oxygen demand
which essential amino acid is not present in egg
egg contains all essential amino acids in the right proportion. Milk also has all essential amino acids
Trickling filter is used in
Secondary treatment of sewage
The sewage ground water is disposed by
Activated sludge process
local wound care in animal bites can reduce occurrence of rabies by up to
Of which pH of water, chlorine’s disinfectant action is best
how many days, a pregnant woman should take IFA tablets
exclusive breast feeding
up to 6 months
weaning should start at
6 months
The function of grit chamber in modern sewage plants is:
Settlement of heavy objects
zero dose OPV
2 drops are given
up to 15 days it can be given
most common greenhouse gas responsible for global warming
Most important prerequisite in sanitary latrine is:
Water seal
The biological oxygen demand (BOD) indicates:
Organic matter
under 15 years flaccid paralysis surveillance is for which disease
polio myelitis