Community Health Nursing Day 2 Flashcards
What are the Characteristics of Primary Health Care?
Remember: CASASA
Characteristics of PHC: C - community-based - within 3-5km, within 30mins to the area A - accessible S - ustainable (pangmatagalan) A - ffordable (low-cost); not free because they will become dependent S - elf-reliance A - available
What are the ELEMENTS of Primary Health Care?
Remember: ELEMENTS
ELEMENTS of PHC: E - ducation L -ocally endemic Diseases E - essential Drugs M - aternal and Child Healthcare E - PI (Expanded Program Immunization) N - utrition T - reatment of Communicable Diseases/Non-communicable Diseases/ER services S - anitation
Elements of PHC:
E - ducation:
What are the 3 levels of prevention should you teach?
Elements of PHC:
E - ducation:
In Primary,
Who are the clients and what is the Nursing Action?
Who: Healthy clients
- Health promotion
- Illness prevention
Ex. of Primary:
- Giving Chloroquine (Prophylaxis) before going to Palawan
- Using mosquito net to prevent insect bites (prevention)
Elements of PHC:
E - ducation:
In Secondary,
Who are the clients and what is the Nursing Action?
Who: High Risk clients Act: - Early Diagnosis - Early Screening - all dx test happens here - Early Treatment = prevention of complication
Ex. of Secondary:
- Operation-timbang
- Oxygen for Dyspnea (early treatment)
- I.M.C.I. (screening)
Elements of PHC:
E - ducation:
In Tertiary,
Who are the clients and what is the Nursing Action?
Who: Post Treatment
- Rehabilitation; to prevent other complications
- Maintenance
= Palliative Care - improve quality of life
Ex. of Tertiary:
- Low-fat diet after cholecystectomy
- O2 humidification (preventing complication)
Elements of PHC:
L - ocally endemic Disease:
- occurrence and distribution of disease
- backbone of preventing disease
Who is the First Epidemiologist?
Hippocrates also called as the “Father of Medicine”
Who is the Father of Epidemiologist?
John Snow
- also contributed to the cholera outbreak in London
What are the 4 Classification of Diseases?
Remember: SEEP
Classification of Diseases:
- cases occur occasionally
- few cases only
- Inc. immunity, dec. susceptible
Ex: Measles
Classification of Diseases:
- cases are always present
- mostly seen in Filipinos and Indians
Classification of Diseases:
- also called as _____
- sudden increase cases in a short period of time
- many are susceptible, dec immunity
4 Types of Epidemic:
1. ______; single event, simultaneous exposure
2. _____; person to person transmission (pinapakalat)
Ex: Flu, COVID
3. _____: “seasonal epidemic:
Ex: summer: rashes, conjunctivitis; rainy: dengue, cold
4. _____: change of disease overtime (nagbabago after sometime)
Ex: Cancer, SARS, COVID
Epidemic, also called as outbreak
- Point source epidemic
- Propagated Epidemic
- Cyclical epidemic/seasonal epidemic
- Secular variation
Classification of Diseases:
- World-wide epidemic (WWE)
- several countries are affected
Ex: small pox - chicken pox - monkey pox
What are the Triple Burden Diseases by DOH?
- Communicable Disease
- Non-communicable Disease
- Disease of Rapid Urbanization
Ex: war, pollution, climate change
What is the number 1 cause of death among Filipinos?
What is the number 2 cause of death among Filipinos?
What is the number 3 cause of death among Filipinos?
- Disease of the heart
- Disease of the blood vessels
Ex: Atherosclerosis - Cancer
- known as FHSIS
- considered as a Recording and Reporting of DOH
Field Health Service Information System
- known as CHITS
- computerized
- helps to early detect you on PhilHealth
Community Health Information System
What law is also called Universal Healthcare Law?
- All Filipinos are automatically enrolled in PhilHealth
- could be directly or indirectly enrolled
R.A. 11223
What law is the Herbal Medicines?
Remember: TAMA
R.A. 8423 T - raditional A - lternative M - edicine A - ct
What are the 10 Herbal Medicines?
- Lagundi
- Ulasimang bato/Pansit-pansitan
- Bayabas
- Bawang
- Yerba Buena
- Sambong
- Akapulko
- Niyog-niyogan
- Tsaang-gubat
- Ampalaya
What Herbal Medicine is commonly used for:
- Asthma, fever (ASCOF)
- Action: cephalocaudal
- could be used for: coryza, cough, skin disease, body malaise, dysentery, arthritis, insect bites, contusion, sprain
What Herbal Medicine commonly used for:
- lowers uric acid (gout)
- not for kidney stones
What Herbal Medicine commonly used for:
- antiseptic properties
- for “WASH”; mouthwash, wash wounds, stomachache
What Herbal Medicine commonly used for:
- Hypertension
- reduces cholesterol
What Herbal Medicine commonly used for:
- also called as “peppermint menthol”
- for pain
- cough and cold
Yerba Buena
What Herbal Medicine commonly used for:
- diuretic and edema
- for kidney stones
- not allowed for kidney infection/UTI
What Herbal Medicine commonly used for:
- fungal infection; scabies, bunhi, an-an, tinea capitis/ringworm
What Herbal Medicine commonly used for:
- parasitism; children more at risk
- seeds are not for below 4 years old
- best time to give is 2 hours after dinner; Interval is 1 week
What Herbal Medicine commonly used for:
- children with indigestion
- abdominal pain/diarrhea
What Herbal Medicine commonly used for:
- for Type 2 diabetes
- leaves - flavanoid
- stimulates pancreas to release insulin
What are the important principles of herbal medicines?
- It should be Fresh Leaves; not exposed to insecticides
- One herbal at a time
- Decoction
- On clay pot; don’t use aluminum pot; don’t cover and use low heat