Community Health Nursing - Day 1 Flashcards
Where do CHN works?
outside the hospital
Ex: school nurse
What is the GOAL of CHN?
- to achieve the optimum level of functioning (OLOF)/high level wellness of the client
What are the two main focus of CHN if the clients are healthy?
- Health promotion
2. Illness prevention
one of the main focus of CHN:
- increase level of health
- help to achieve OLOF and change to healthy lifestyle
Health promotion
“D” of Health promotion
What are its 3 Nutrition Guidelines?
D-iet (well-balanced diet); “you are what you eat”
Nutrition Guidelines: A - im ideal body weight (IBW) thru body mass index (BMI); Formula: wt(kg)/ht(m)2 Asia Pacific Obesity Guidelines (APOG) - Normal BMI = 18-23 - Overweight = 23-25 - Obese = > 30
B - uild a healthy nutrition practices
- eat on time
C - hoose food wisely
“E” of Health promotion
What are the two types of its intensity?
- Cumulative - 10 mins morning, afternoon, night = 30mins/day
*Do not ask how many times, instead ask how’s the intensity
1. Moderate - almost everyday (Ex. jogging, biking)
2. Vigorous - 3x/week (Ex: biking on the hills)
*Aerobic exercise - promotes circulation
“R” of Health promotion
What are the its two types?
R - est
- Stress management
- Sleep
- Adults: 6-8 hrs/day
“S” of Health promotion
What are the chemicals of cigarettes?
What are the 2 ways to quit smoking?
S - top/Avoid smoking
Chemicals of cigarettes:
a. Nicotine - addictive
b. Carbon monoxide - interferes oxygenation = Hypoxia (mabilis mapagod)
c. Tar - paralyzes the cilia of the lungs = respiratory infection
2 ways to quit smoking 1. Education - 4A's - Ask, Advise, Assist, Arrange 2. Legislation RA 9211 (2022) = Tobacco Regulations Act - not allowed in public places - not allowed to advertise - not allowed to sell (within 100m) of school premise
one of the main focus of CHN:
- maintain health
- specific
- protection
Illness prevention
What is the Vision of DOH?
Vision: 1. Filipinos will be the healthiest in the Southeast Asia (2022) - based on life expectancy Life expectancy: - HK: 85 y.o. - Singapore: 83.8 y.o - Filipinos: 71 y.o (2019)
- Filipinos will be the healthiest in Asia by 2040
What is the Mission of DOH?
Mission: - develop "PREP" health system P - roductive R - esilient E - quitable P - eople-centered
What are the 3 functions of DOH?
E.O. 102 (Executive Order?) 1. L - eadership in health: Policies 2. E - nabler and capacity builder - creates new strategies and trainings for health Ex. Unang Yakap 3. Administrative function: - manages tertiary a. primary b. secondary c. tertiary - handled by DOH, including ER services
Philippine Healthcare Delivery System:
- basic health care services/simple cases
- Who handles this?
Philippine Healthcare Delivery System:
Philippine Healthcare Delivery System:
What are the two under Primary?
- Barangay Health Station (BHS)
- manned by public health midwife (PHM)
- satellite station
*if hindi kaya icure, proceed to
2. Rural Health Unit/Health Center
- main primary center
- complete health care team
Ex: nurses, doctors
What are the roles of these complete healthcare team in RHU/Health Center?
- Public Health Midwife (PHM)
- Public Health Nurse (PHN)
- Rural Health Physician (RHP)/ Health Officer
- Sanitary Inspector
- Medtech
- Dentist
- Public Health Midwife (PHM) - frontline (tumatanggap ng pts)
- Public Health Nurse (PHN) - supervisor/coach (oversee the activities)
- Rural Health Physician (RHP)/ Health Officer - manager (responsible for overall activities inside the center)
- Sanitary Inspector - environmental sanitation; Ex: sanitary permit (health center)
- Medtech - laboratory
- Dentist - dental health program
Philippine Healthcare Delivery System:
- common lab. and medical procedures
- who handles this?
Philippine Healthcare Delivery System:
Philippine Healthcare Delivery System:
What are the two under Secondary?
- District Hospital/ER hospital
2. Provincial Hospital
Philippine Healthcare Delivery System:
- advanced
- who handles this?
Philippine Healthcare Delivery System:
Philippine Healthcare Delivery System:
What are the two under Tertiary?
- Regional Hospital/Medical Center
Ex: Asian Hospital and Medical Center - National Hospital/National Medical Center/Specialty Hospital
Ex: PGH, Lung/Heart Center
What is the Law called Local Government Code?
these two means transfer of power:
- Decentralization
- Devolution
R.A. 7160
- Before 7160, the DOH both formulates and implements
- In R.A. 7160, there’s sharing
- DOH: formulates programs
- LGU: implements
In provincial government,
1. Who is the Chairman/Local Chief Executive - responsible for SECONDARY facilities
- Who is the Vice-Chairman?
In provincial government,
- Provincial Health Officer
In municipal government,
1. Who is the Chairman/Local Chief Executive - responsible for PRIMARY facilities
- Who is the Vice-Chairman?
In municipal government,
- Municipal health officer (MHO)/City health officer (CHO)
*Municipal health office = for recommendation
Give the 3 Vice-Chairman
- PHO (Provincial health officer)
Who are the 4 clients in CHN?
- I - ndividual
Ex: masakit tiyan, pumuntang health center mag-isa - F - amily - basic unit of service
Ex: home visit
Ex: nurses can teach parents about sex educ; parents teaches children - G - roup - people who share same characteristics
Ex: pregnant, seniors, pwd
Purpose: maximize health teaching - C - ommunity - primary client/whole clients
Ex: matutulungan lahat
- concept stated by WHO on 1978
Primary Health Care
vs. Ottawa Charter (1986) - health promotion; Canada Ex: An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Additional notes:
Alma Ata Conference by USSR; happened in Kazakhstan
- LOI 949 (accepted by Ph) - legal basis of primary healthcare (PHC)
- signed on Oct. 1979. by Pres. Ferdinand Marcos
What is the Vision of the Primary Health Care?
health in the hands of the people
Goal: Self-reliance
Ex: in the future, kaya na nila
What is the Mission of the Primary Health Care?
to increase opportunity so that people will manage their own healthcare
What are the two core principles of the Primary Health Care?
- P - artnership (with the people)
- ACTIVE partnership - E - mpowerment
Ex: When our knolwedge is passed to them, they will feel empowered
*Empowerment is the key to Self-reliance
What is the first pillar of the Primary Health Care?
*most important
A - ctive community participation
Ex: sino ang pipitas, magpapakulo and papatay ng boiled herbal = client
-clients presence and observation make them feel empowered
What is the second pillar of the Primary Health Care?
What are its difference?
I - ntra and Inter sectoral linkages
Intra - WITHIN the healthcare delivery system
Ex: Galing HC, pinapuntang (secondary?)
this means = two-way referral system; from primary to secondary to tertiary then from tertiary to secondary to primary to home
Inter - OUTSIDE the healthcare delivery system
a. Non-government Organization (NGO)
Ex: PhilHealth, DOH, Foundations
b. Government Organization (GO)
What is the third pillar of the Primary Health Care?
U - se of appropriate technology
- local indigenous resources
Ex: Board exam question
A poor family has 5 children with Risk for Kwashiorkor (lack of protein), what is the appropriate food should you teach to the mother to prepare?
A. green leafy vegetables - no protein
B. beef and ampalaya - too pricey
C. Tofu - good source of protein, not pricey
D. Puto
What is the fourth pillar of the Primary Health Care?
S - upport mechanism made available
- support from government is needed